by Guy-Claude Burger

1. A food is said to be original if it is not modified by any artifice of conceptual intelligence : an aliment as it is directly given by nature, for example as an animal can obtain it in its natural habitat.

2. The artifices by which humans transform their nourishment fall into five principal classes :

  1. Thermal denaturing : various cooking processes, heat drying, chilling, deep freezing, irradiation, etc...
  2. Mechanical denaturing : blending, seasoning, layering, extraction, grinding, pressing, mixing, etc...
  3. Use of animal milk and products derived from it.
  4. Chemistry : use of fertilizers, pesticides, additives, synthetic compounds, drugs, etc...
  5. Artificial selection and certain agricultural and breeding techniques.

3. As we shall discuss below, humans do not seem to be genetically adapted to non-original foods. Upon a complete return to original foods, one in fact experiences the reawakening of an extremely precise alimentary instinct, which expresses itself chiefly through changes in olfactory and gustatory perceptions, or aliesthestic manifestations, located in the oral-nasal-pharyngeal region and not to be confused with the sensations of repletion or indigestion.

4. Experience thus enables us to formulate the law of the alimentary instinct : every original aliment attractive by its aroma and flavor is useful to the organism. The reciprocal is equally true : an original food which is noxious or useless is repulsive by its aroma and/or its flavor.

5. This law can be deduced directly from the principles of evolution : any animal whose instinct inclined it to consume toxic plants or to balance its diet poorly, would put itself in a position of inferiority and would be eliminated through natural selection. Therefore the alimentary instinct must have been perfected in the course of time, in the same way as any other faculty.

6. One must recognize, however, that this evolution occurred through interaction with original foods ; so it is hardly surprising that the aliesthetic mechanism is misguided by non-original foods, too recently introduced for our genetic code to have had time to adapt to them. The existence of innate programming of the alimentary instinct can be verified, for example, with newborn babies, immediately capable of selecting and apportioning their (original) foods properly.

7. All these aliesthetic manifestations may seem quite unorthodox on first sight. We can demonstrate, however, that they are part of a coherent unity (= that they have teleological significance) by the fact that they lead spontaneously to an optimum nutritional balance, characterized by the normalization of inflammatory processes (disappearance of pain) as well as by perfect regulation of body temperature, weight, vitamin and mineral levels, etc...

8. A useful food can become useless or harmful when consumed in excess of the needs of the organism ; in fact one observes that its taste suddenly changes (sometimes within a single mouthful) or that various unpleasant sensations appear. The flavor of the food may be experienced as sour, acrid, astringent, pungent, burning, bitter ; or its texture as rough, dry, sticky, etc... We refer to this change as the "sensory barrier".

9. Notice that smell and taste are unlike the other senses : they are the expressions of the alimentary instinct, as manifested by neurophysiological structures - the olfactory center and the hypothalamus. These can modulate nerve signals transmitted to the forebrain as a function of metabolic conditions. Thus the aroma and flavor of a food do not represent its objective characteristic as do its color or its consistency to the touch. (A banana smells of rubber and feels rough on the tongue when the need for it is fulfilled, while its color always remains yellow !).

10. Smell and taste do not play the same role. Smell attracts animals selectively toward inviting foods ; then taste stimulates chewing and swallowing, inhibiting the process as soon as the need has been satisfied, or when the digestive capacity is reached. Note that the aroma of a food disappears almost entirely as soon as chewing starts ; from that point smell serves only to reject a food, or certain parts of it, that may be defective, rotten, spoiled, etc... In brief :
Smell = attraction + selection
Taste = stimulation + limitation

11. The culinary art aims to make foods seem better than nature. But by virtue of the law of the alimentary instinct, a food that does not seem attractive when raw does not correspond to the needs of the organism. In rendering it more agreable, culinary devices do nothing but defeat the natural sensory barrier. In other words, cooking consists in making one eat what one must not eat.

12. Insofar as the organism clears the toxic residues and metabolic disturbances from prepared foods, the various instinctual preferences become clearer and more intense. One now discovers the original flavors of fruits, vegetables, meats, and other products of nature, which bring a degree of pleasure beyond comparison with what one feels at first. In the end, original nutrition turns out to be a form of gastronomy richer and more gratifying than the culinary variety.

13. From the anthropological viewpoint, we may consider culinary practices as the result of a sort of short circuit between intelligence and instinct, the former permitting us to alter our sensory data so as to obtain pleasure at will, but at the cost of abusing the latter. The pleasure derived through artifice, alien to the genetic programming of our nervous systems, is in fact nothing but a sensory illusion. It leads, moreover, to progressively overloading the system, diminishing little by little our level of pleasure, defeating the culinary purpose. The systemic overload renders uniquely disagreeable the original foods (with which the aliesthetic mechanism works correctly), to such an extent that the pleasure they yield can not match that of cooked foods. Cooking, then, constitutes a kind of trap into which humankind has fallen in the course of developing our conceptual intelligence.

14. The diagram below represents the original state of nature (from which it derives directly, by the same reasoning as the law of the instinct, being in fact a consequence of the laws of evolution) :

Good = Good
Bad = Bad

That is to say, everything that is good to the palate is good for the body, and everything bad for the body is bad to the palate. The result is a state of harmony, in which it is enough to let oneself follow natural inclinations ; this is the law of pleasure.

In the presence of culinary artifice, one finds oneself on the first diagonal : one can render good to the palate what is bad for the body. Henceforth it is necessary to beware of pleasure, to resist temptation. In addition, the intoxination of the organism and the overloads resulting from defeating the sensory barrier have the effect that original foods taste bad or provoke nausea, so that one finds oneself on the second diagonal. The preceding diagram is completely reversed :

Good = Bad
Bad = Good

That is to say, the expression of the alimlentary instinct conflicts with our needs, pleasure leads to errors, it is necessary to establish rules and to intervene by will power to limit the damage. Exactly this is what happens on the one hand with the disorders due to conventional eating (obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc...) and on the other, with the emphasis placed on dietetics, the search for daily menus, dietary regimes, etc...

15. The law of the alimentary instinct also permits a precise definition of the notion of gluttony. First, notice that with original foods gluttony does not exist : because it is not possible to have both pleasure and harmfulness at the same time (if a food is appealing, it is useful, and if not useful, it is displeasing). Therefore it is necessary to intervene by artifice in order to elude the law of the instinct : in fact, a prepared food can seem good even though it is useless to the body. Gluttony, then, is defined as the quest for pleasure in the absence of need - implying, as a corollary, resorting to culinary artifice. From a philosophical point of view, note that gluttony thus defined (= pleasure = harmfulness) does not exist in the original state of nature. Peculiar to Homo sapiens and to conceptual intelligence, it leads to overloading, dependency, and pathologies, accounting for its classification as one of the seven deadly sins.

16. A single denatured food introduced into the original menu is enough to produce an overload (since the instinct fails to regulate its consumption). Moreover, in its presence the other foods (with which, being original, the instinct functions) lose their normal flavor (one has the sense of being "sucked in" by the denatured food). The general level of pleasure is noticeably reduced, leaving a sense of frustration. One is then tempted to reestablish a satisfactory level of pleasure by seeking further culinary artifices. This may explain the development of the culinary arts of the first, possibly even accidental, cooking - an evolution that was statistically inevitable following the mastery of fire. It is equally clear that original eating does not yield the pleasure necessary to prevent a sense of frustration unless it is practiced 100 percent, and that any exception is reflected in an increase in the level of "temptation" posed by the culinary environment.

17. Taking account of the alimentary instinct suggests a particularly simple and efficient way of approaching the problem of dietetics. Instead of assessing the needs of the organism from the outside (with all the risks of diagnosis in the face of the extraordinary complexity of nutritional processes and their inevitable fluctuations over time), it is enough to comply with the olfactory and gustatory pleasures, expressions of an instinct which is directly in touch with the body's actual needs and which can track unforeseeable and sometimes surprising variations in quantity. Note that Anopsotherapy is not a "diet" ; it implies no obligation nor any prohibition against nature. It tends to eliminate the artifices that are likely to defeat the aliesthetic mechanism (or to pose problems not manageable by metabolic processes). For the artificial scheme of diagnosis - prescription it substitutes the natural process of probing - acquiescence.

18. It is shown by the foregoing that the instinctual apparatus is manifestly not adapted to prepared foods : one must then wonder what is their effect on the rest of the nutritional apparatus. Through the working of natural selection, each species adapts to the conditions of its habitat. Such adaptation, however, takes many generations ; the genetic code changes very slowly over time (less than 1 % in the six million years since our forebears diverged from the chimpanzees). The practice of cooking dates, roughly speaking, from just ten thousand years ago - quite recent in relation to the biological time scale. Yet each new alimentary challenge introduced by intelligent artifice may pose a new metabolic problem and entail pathological consequences. For any culinary artifice, there is a reason to ask :

This issue, apparently ignored by medical research, is quite critical, being at the very heart of the world health problem. The prognosis in any illness depends inevitably on nutrition. Therefore the illness depends on nutrition (even if one is ignorant of its mechanisms). It is needful, then, to pose the problem of adaptation before plunging blindly into a quest for therapeutics that risk missing the point, that in fact remain unavailing in the face of various diseases. Three quarters of the population die of neoplastic or cardiovascular diseases, which are not necessarily preordained by nature.

19. Non-original foods introduce molecules into the organism to which the enzymes, programmed by the genetic code, have no reason to be adapted. These "non-original molecules" may be created in chemical reactions induced by cooking, or may come from foods not in the original alimentary spectrum of humans (such as animal milk). It will be impossible for some of these to be metabolized normally ; instead, blocked at some stage of transformation, they will accumulate in the organism, provoking a gradual culinary intoxination. They will be found in the circulating fluids (blood, lymph) or stored within the cells or in the interstitial spaces (amylose), in fatty deposits, or even integrated into cell and tissue structures (membranes, collagen, joints, dentin, etc...)

20. Contemporary studies of metabolism have not yet given much consideration to these abnormal molecules, whose transformations constitute an anomolous, or "paradoxical" metabolism (= processes not provided for by the genetic code, which we call "parabolism"). Some of these substances could provoke all kinds of disorders (as many disorders as there are classes of substances and functions in the organism). In other words, the culinary intoxination will give rise to a "molecular pathology" which could constitute the cause in whole or in part of numerous illnesses.

21. The notion of intoxication as conceived by medical science refers either to chemical substances or to alimentary intoxication due to accidental contamination, fermentation, surfeit, or any intolerance ; and in pathological cases, to an excess of the waste products of normal metabolism. Fringe medicine gives more weight to the alimentary factor than does conventional thinking, but at present neither seems to have distinguishe clearly between original toxins and non-original toxins.

In fact, certain molecules present in original foods are toxic, as are certain by-products of metabolism : these substances, however, have existed all the time, so that the programming of our genetic code provides for their elimination through normal channels (= detoxication). The same cannot be said of molecules that deviate from this programming, which must be eliminated by various unexpected mechanisms (deviant channels) and over much longer periods of time. Here we shall speak of non-original toxins from culinary origins, and of detoxination.

22. Because very small quantities of noxious susbtances can be enough to provoke serious disorders (20 millionths of a gram in the case of the botulism toxin), it is not necessarily easy to detect these non-original toxins ; they may be involved in all vital processes, whose complexity is well known. In the face of the unenlightenment that reigns in this area, it has been possible to compensate for the lack of analytical techniques by resorting to the sense of smell. Indeed, experience shows that any substance leaving the organism and giving off an abnormal odor derives from a pathological process. This is so with many substances of culinary origin whose characteristic odors one recognizes, at the end of certain periods of detoxination, in the perspiration, the urine, the feces, the breath, the skin oils, the earwax, etc.., enabling us at such times to explain correctly the discomforts that may be associated with these mechanisms of elimination (coincidence of signs and odors).

23. The whole of medicine has been built up without taking account of the presence in the organism of noxious substances of culinary origin. So there is good reason to reconsider all the usual classifications of disease in light of this postulate, which offers a precise cause of impairment of the "terrain".

In accordance with the principle of homeostastis (= the tendency of the organism spontaneously to reestablish its equilibrium and its integrity), one can expect to find certain detoxination processes designed to eliminate at least some of these non-original toxins. Now accompanying such processes will be various signs that medicine - unaware of this molecular pathology - takes for so many morbid symptoms. So one must expect to find among the catalog of diseases a certain number of "useful disorders" - detoxination processes (or "orthopathies) designed to restore health. Such misunderstanding may have serious consequences, because the therapies that are supposed to cure these "diseases" will in reality accomplish nothing but to interrupt the organism's needful processes, and to maintain it in a state of intoxination that will grow worse over time and open the door to true illnesses and premature aging. In order to determine which diseases can be classified among these orthopathies, one may apply the following criteria :

  • Positive results : after recovery, a "useful disorder" must leave an improvement of the terrain, which shows itself, for example, as a lessening of the symptoms of true illness.
  • Program : a process programmed by the organism must take place in a sequence that one finds repeated in other individuals
  • Spontaneous convergence : such a process must evolved spontaneously toward healing, insofar as it is not thwarted by unforeseen factors such as non original nutrition
  • ischarge of substances : the elimination of substances is observed in the form of catarrhs, diarrheas, concentrated urine, sweating, bleeding, discharge of pus, abnormal odors, etc...
  • Proportionality : the detoxination process will be just so much longer, more intense, or more frequent in relation to the severity of intoxination, provided the organism has not reached a "tolerance" state as a result of excessive intoxination (cf. #31)
  • Transmissibility : it is useful to the species that a program of detoxination worked out in an individual can be transmitted to others, in such a way that certain useful disorders can be "contagious".
  • Intensification : a program designed to eliminate one class of toxins will have a tendency to intensify whenever a certain quantity of th esame toxins are reintroduced into the bloodstream (for example, after a dietary "exception")
  • Curability : such a process can be interrupted with comparative ease by various interventions likely to disturb the organism in its functioning, interruptions that will be taken for so many "cures".

25. Experience seems to show that most illnesses considered as infectious satisfy the preceding criteria, provided that alimentation strictly respects the norms defined by Anopsotherapy. One must therefore call into question the classical conception of the virus and the bacterium, which may no longer be considered as necessarily pathogenic agents. A virus in fact introduces into the cell a fragment of DNA or RNA which, by microscopic observation, seems to intervene as a sort of complementary program which augments the genetic code and which permits the elimination of various classes of toxins not originally foreseen ; to speak more precisely, non-original molecules. The bacterium, likewise, seems to be used by the organism (which perfectly regulates its multiplication under Anopsotherapeutic conditions) so as to provide, through a "third party", enzymes that can decompose non-original molecules or their undesirable by-products beyond the capabilities of its own enzymes (ones adapted, a priori, to original molecules).

26. Therefore, instead of battling against microbes by the use of antibiotics, vaccines, asepsis, etc..., the role of medicine will be rather to see that the organism succeeds in regulating in a satisfactory way the detoxination processes with which they are associated - perhaps even to seek means of instigating such processes so as to reestablish th integrity of the terrain and prevent true illness. In the present state of affairs, the apparent therapeutic successes obtained in infectious illnesses may be the cause of the rising mortality due to cancer and cardiovascular diseases, through an endemic increase in the incidence of toxemia.

27. There are good reasons to reconsider especially the medical interpretation of three phenomena whose meaning cannot be seen apart from our postulate that foreign substances are present in the organism :
Catarrhs of the mucus membranes which permit the discharge of matter in the form of abnormally thick mucus ; the normal channels of secretion serving, under exceptional conditions, for excretion of undesirable substances.
Eruptions of all sorts, acting as safety valves to permit the passage of toxins that cannot be eliminated through other channels.
Inflammation, one of whose effects is to allow the white corpuscules to pass through the dilated capillary walls and perform their work of cleaning in the tissues.These processes must be respected, to the extent that they do not exceed the limit of the "tolerable", a criterion that seems always to be observed under Anopsotherapeutic conditions.

28. The toxins present in circulating fluids in excess of certain critical concentrations, may disturb various functions (even ones unrelated to the detoxination processes of the moment), notably digestion, assimilation, intestinal an renal elimination, blood circulation, body temperature regulation ; functions of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas ; growth of hair and nails, sebacious secretions, activity of the endocrine system as well as the whole of the nervous system. Such disturbances or functional diseases disappear relatively fast upon ceasing the introduction of culinary toxins; they are easily reversible. They reappear, however, at any time when the degree of toxemia again exceeds a critical threshold, as a result of either a new alimentary intoxination (exceptions !), or of a detoxination that releases previously accumulated toxins into circulation. The return of former symptoms of this kind therefore permits diagnosis of a detoxination process unless there has been some faulty food on the table.

29. Beyond certain thresholds, the accumulation of toxins may result in the degeneration of various structures : cellular vacuoles overwhelm the whole cell and inhibit its vital processes, calculi are deposited from overconcentrated substances in body fluids, tissues exhibit fatty or calcareous infiltrations, the dentin may take on a darker color due to material carried in by the blood and infused from the roots, the joints become abnormal, collagen is infiltrated by cross-linked proteins that impair the suppleness of the tissues, etc... To these disturbances, much less reversible than those mentioned previously, are added all the degenerative effects of auto-immune illnesses.

30. To identify and destroy foreign cells and molecules, the organism deploys a sort of police system, called the immune system, whose principal agents are the white corpuscules (some of which are capable of making antibodies) and certain proteins, the "complement", specializing in refuse collection. Indispensible for maintaining the organism's integrity, this system too is genetically adapted to the foreign substances that the original environment may have presented. So it is not necessarily capable of reacting correctly in the face of non-original molecules, some of which may accumulate unchallenged, nor against cancer cells unforeseen by its programming (for example, cells which have become malignant as a result of penetration by non-original molecules into their nuclei).

31. When the immune system is called upon too often by foreign molecules, it goes on strike : in such a state of immunological tolerance, the organism permits itself to be invaded by molecules of a sort that profoundly compromise the terrain, penetrating into the cells and settling in the membranes, etc... Should a random cancerous cell appear, with its membrane composed of these molecules that should be recognized by the immune system, they may by chance be taken for a tolerated class of molecules, so that the cell will not be recognized nor destroyed and may give rise to a tumor. To reverse this process, the immune system must cease its toleration ; most notably it is necessary to put an end to the influx of foreign molecules from alimentary sources. Then, however, other body cells marked by these same molecules, will equally be recognized as foreign and destroyed ; hence a rapid loss of weight.

32. Certain viruses seem to be responsible for programming the breakdown and replacement of cells that make up various organs particularly subject to damage (myelin sheaths, joint structures, kidneys, etc...). When these cells are invaded by foreign molecules, the immune system, being in charge of rejection, may speed up its work to such a degree that the healing process, normally sufficient to replace cells as fast as they are thrown off, cannot keep up the pace, especially if the viral activity is aggravated by an additional influx of foreign molecules from alimentary sources. What follows is an apparent self-destruction, which may stabilize upon the resumption of original alimentation, giving way to a gradual healing. This is clearly seen with the so-called "auto-immune" diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosis, etc...

33. This same theory (called crossed tolerances) equally well explains allergies : when the tissues have allowed the accumulation of molecules foreign to original alimentation, a seemingly minor factor (a grain of pollen, dust particle, medicine, etc...) is enough to provoke a more or less widespread cessation of tolerance, which expresses itself by a disproportionate inflammation. We thus understand how the detoxination accompanying original alimentation can cure the most diverse allergies (the allergy to pollens of gramineous plants disappears upon putting an end to the toxins brought in by the previous consumption of baked grain in the form of bread, pastries, ect...).

34. Some abnormal molecules present in the blood can impair the functioning of the neurons and synapses, either by inhibiting them or by increasing their excitability. Nervous stimuli, when amplified abnormally, may engender states of auto-excitation or "contention", altering the psychic equilibrium in all its aspects and in all degrees according to the case, from a simple obsessive tendency on up to schizophrenia : with Anopsotherapy a gradual reduction is indeed observed in the level of anxiety, of stress, of aggressiveness, along with the disappearance of insomnia, agitated dreams, nervous tics, etc... The sexual instinct in particular, when endogenous excitation no longer interferes with it, tends spontaneously to resume its original function, and seems to restore what the Ancients called sacred eroticism. This leads us to reconsider the whole of psychoanalysis (theory of metasexuality).

35. Health will no longer be defined by the absence of illnesses, but on the contrary by the capacity of the organism to react against foreign matter, that is to say by the presence of "useful disorders", for as long as detoxination continues. Thanks to instinctual regulation of food intake, the signs observable from outside generally remain minimal (silence of the organs !) or at least without severity. Under traditional alimentary conditions, the inflammatory tendency produces the usual symptoms, so that the absence of visible disturbances gives evidence of a relative absence of reactivity (immunological tolerance) and therefore of poor health. In sum, the absence of symptoms will be a sign either of the absence of intoxination or of the absence of detoxination. Health will be the capacity of the organism to maintain or reestablish its integrity (= normal genetic code + normal molecular structures).

36. Experience shows that detoxination is achieved at a speed which is of the same order as intoxination occurs, through successive phases corresponding to the cessations of specific tolerances induced by different types of toxins, the most intense ones usually coming at the start (thus the need of good supervision). The improvement of one's general state and the healing of diseases starts as soon as the rate of intoxination falls below the critical threshold, all the faster if the disease is more recent in origin. Thus true illnesses heal comparatively fast, whereas useful disorders and maladies make their appearance (in an embryonic form if the alimentary balance is correct) until the foreign substances are completely eliminated.

37. It is difficult to estimate what the original life expectancy of humans should be, in view of the universality of culinary practices. Certainly intoxination is responsible for a pathological aging which is superposed upon genetically programmed aging. The immune system attacks cells that are too intoxinated, producing a risk of microinflammations that further aggravate the inflammatory tendency already exaggerated by the imbalances and toxins of prepared food. Thus the organs grow riddled with "holes" that are filled by the non-specialized cells of scar tissue, leaving ever heavier demands upon the functioning cells ; hence an accelerated evolution toward kidney, liver, cardiovascular, or cerebral insufficiency, etc... (auto-immune theory of aging). Upon putting a stop to culinary intoxination, the reduction in the inflammatory tendency checks this process, some functional cells gradually replace the scare tissue (at least in part), whence follows a rejuvenation that is, for example, observed in elderly people who have practiced Anopsotherapy for a sufficient time.

38. A loss of weight (reserves, decomposed cells, deshydratation) may indicate either the elimination of foreign matter or the loss of useful matter. The transition to Anopsotherapy is generally accompanied by an initial loss of weight, due in part to a reduction in the water retention caused by cooking salt (about one kilogram) and to the release of unwanted substances accumulated as a result of the tolerances induced by the intake of maladapted molecules. Such a loss of weight as "intended" by the organism must not be confused with a pathological weight loss caused by malnutrition, by a metabolic disorder, or by an auto-immune process that escapes form genetic control. Paradoxically, detoxination may sometimes be accompanied by putting on weight, either because the elimination of toxins is brought to a halt, for example by the presence of foreign substances excessively concentrated in the intestines (exceptions, constipation, or too rapid cellular detoxination), or because the toxins on the way to elimination are too dangerous to the rest of the organism (particularly the nervous system), in which case they may be stored in adipose masses. It may therefore be inadvisable to force the loss of weight through violent means (saunas, massages, excessive exertion). After the initial loss of weight will follow a rebuilding of the musculature and a stabilization of normal weight (youthful figure).

39. Various factors can stimulate detoxination and lead to appearance of the corresponding symptoms : chilling accelerates body heat generation and mobilizes the stored substances (hence mucous catarrh) ; prolonged warming accelerates exchanges and provokes the release of certain toxins ; over-exertion, shocks, prolonged rest, and lack of sleep likewise ; consuming a new food, just like acting to exceed the sensory barrier with a food particularly well-suited to the needs of the organism, may set off a rejection by the cells of undesirable substances previously stored, which will be replaced by the suitable molecules supplied by the blood (law of exchange) ; exposure to sunshine may produce an inflammation of the skin and a release of the toxins accumulated in the subcutaneous fats (after a sufficient period of original alimentation, direct sunshine no longer causes burns or classical blisters). In any of these cases, a surge of detoxination reveals itself through mild discomforts (sweating, nausea, thirst, etc...) and may entail a cessation of tolerance, recognizable by a lasting change in the alimentary spectrum (tastes and distastes) as well as by the odor of the matter eliminated (feces, urine, breath, skin, ect...)

40. An alimentary substance cannot be assimilated unless all the substances necessary for its metabolism are present in the organism (law of the minimum). A vegetable protein, for instance, cannot replace an animal protein, because it does not contain enough lysine, which is one of the eight essential amino acids. Observation of the aliesthetic mechanisms seems, in fact, to confirm the impossibility of total vegetarianism ; it may even be necessary to resort to sufficiently varied protein sources (eggs, shellfish, various kind of meat and fish), at least when seeking a therapeutic optimum. Likewise it seems that not only amino acids are in question, and that the problem of complementarity is much more complex than today's dietetics has led us to believe. Note that with cooking this problem is far less evident, the alimentary molecules being partially decomposed by thermal agitation, enabling them to "skip" some steps in metabolism. So it is important to vary the choices available as much as possible.

41. After a period of strict Anopsotherapy, the act of bringing the oral mucosa into contact whith a non-original food (by chewing for a few secondes) or of consuming a certain quantity can touch off a cessation of tolerance by sensitizing the immune system from the outside. Following such provocations one may indeed observe rather significant reactions (aches, fevers, particulars odors, etc...) which may be salutary in the case of neoplastic diseases, for example.


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