m2m - member to member

The Natural Health Many-To-Many

Created in 1997 - Last Updated Saturday, October 6, 2001 AND THEN April 25, 2007 [an error occurred while processing this directive]- no longer being maintained. don't know how to get in touch with the group. this is an old document

Same picture - higher resolution
A group of our Natural Health M2M penpals convened in person on the Big Island in October, 2000 for a grand Millennial Bash celebration. This picture was taken at the raw food retreat called Pangaia . From left to right standing: Forest Greenwald, non-M2M Pangaia resident Tim Gorter, Steve and Tricia [...removed...] with their child Skylar, M2M Coordinator Bob Avery, Susan Mazzocco; front row: Helen Sun; Forrest [...removed...]; rawfoodist instincto author, former M2M'er, and resident of Pangaia Ano (Zephyr) Tarletz, and Giancarlo Mazzocco.

Bob Avery is coordinator/editor of the quarterly publication known as The Natural Health Many-To-Many (M2M).


The M2M is a quarterly snailmail publication that comes out around the middle of March, June, September, and December containing a distillation of members' own knowledge and life experiences related to living a natural lifestyle, together with relevant articles and cartoons. Recent issues have been running in excess of 150 pages.


ONE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION (4 ISSUES): $32 for domestic First Class mail (and Airmail to Canada) or $26 for domestic Media Mail delivery. For foreign countries other than Canada, airmail is $40 and surface mail is $28. Foreign members are welcome to participate. We currently have, or have had, members from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Finland, and France in addition to the U.S.
Important: If you do not send green cash, please make checks and money orders payable to Robert Avery, not Natural Health M2M, or your check will be returned. (Bob runs the M2M out of his own personal bank account as a not-for-profit service to the natural health community.)

SAMPLE COPIES: $6.00 ea. 1st class (or $5.00 book rate) ppd

(Overseas send $8 to cover additional airmail postage unless you are willing to wait a couple months for delivery at the $6 surface rate). Each interested person may receive a single sample copy of whatever issue the coordinator has on hand (usually the latest) at this subsidized rate in order to check out the M2M before subscribing.

BACK ISSUES: currently $8.50 ea. ppd. 1st class ($7.00 book rate) within the U.S.

(This reflects the higher cost of one-off copying rates compared to the volume rates obtainable when originally copying the issue en masse). Three or more back issues purchased in a single order will be sent 1st class at the cheaper $7 per copy rate.


M2M participants send in quarterly letters which are xeroxed and collated into an issue by the M2M coordinator, including a table of contents and participant roster list, a copy of which is sent out to each subscriber. Participants are also encouraged to send in articles, clippings, and even cartoons likely to be of general interest to the readership, the most pertinent of which are included or summarized by the coordinator. Most participants are natural hygienists. However, there are some mavericks in the group including followers of Guy-Claude Berger (Instinctos) and Arnold Ehret, plus rogue hygienists who disagree with the NH party line. All conversation is welcome, and the subjects discussed have been wide-ranging - anything radical related to veg/raw health and/or "paleolithic" nutrition (including animal foods), organic farming, ecological and ethical issues related to society's heavy dependence on flesh-eating, plus what's going on in our personal lives, et. al. There is an 8-page limit (12 in some cases) on participant letters to keep the M2M cost reasonable and permit as wide a variety of letters as possible. Deadlines for letter submissions are the 1st of March/June/September/December.


There are optional (suggested) discussion topics set for each issue of the M2M. Conversation, discussion, storytelling, reminiscences, and debate on any topic are always welcome, however, and many people do ignore the optional topic each time. Except for the first several issues early on which were smaller, most issues have been running over 150 pages.

    •   9-1-92

      Letters: Don Bennett, Boyd Brandom, Joseph Brogna, Andrea Brunjes-Swierkosz, Cathy Colbert, Melanie Cordes, Shirley Eckes, Marlene Elison, Joann Freeland, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Harold Green, Loraine Gruen, Lawrence Haage, Joan Hendrickson, Harold Hollister, Jacqueline King, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Michael Laverty, Helen Lipton, Myrtle Matera, Tansen-Muni, Ryan Nearing, Ward Nicholson, Alex Peper, Craig Rapin, Joel Rider, Susan Rothman, Jane Seitz, Helen Story, Jerry Story, Cathy Sumners, Inga Tatikian, Joann Thompson, Don Weaver, Everett Weibert, Robert Wynman

      Optional Topic: Provide an introductory letter telling about yourself, how you got interested in NH, your experiences, questions and concerns, and what you want to talk about in the future.

      Articles: Vision for building eventual hygienic land community

    •   10-15-92

      Letters: Joel Rider, Sidney Secular, Helen-Jean Story, Jerry Story, Cathy Sumners, Tansen-Muni, Don Weaver, Everett Weibert, Robert Wynman, Ken Alexander, Marlene Elison, Don Bennett, Boyd Brandom, Andrea Brunjes-Swierkosz, Cathy Colbert, Melanie Cordes, Irene Galya, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Loraine Gruen, Roy Harper, Joan Hendrickson, Frieda Ireland, Sandy Labedz, Michael Laverty, Helene Martin Lynn, Ward Nicholson, Craig Rapin, Sue Richards

      Optional Topic: What are the hardest and easiest things about being a natural hygienist for you? What are your occasional indulgences?

      Articles: Fatal Distraction - The medical establishment ignores evidence that HIV is harmless.

    •   12-1-92

      Letters: Riita Jokela, Joseph Kelz, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Steve Lanzillota, Helene Martin Lynn, Loraine Gruen, Emanuel Neuwirth, Mary Skarja, Alex Peper, Ward Nicholson, Craig Rapin, Linda Shepard, Jerry Story, Joann Thompson, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Sharon Washer, Everett Weibert, Sidney Secular, Robert Wynman, Joel Ahlbrandt, Francee Fent, Boyd Brandom, Andrea Brunjes-Swierkosz, Melanie Cordes, Marlene Elison, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Frieda Ireland

      Optional Topic: How do you handle social eating situations such as during the holidays or at friends/relatives or business lunches, etc.?

      1. Fruit for Thought, Part I - Exposé of supposed fruitarians Lovewisdom, Bernard, et al. What is fruit?
      2. Excessive Fruit Eating - Real life experience with fruitarians, how biochemistry goes awry.

    •   1-15-93

      Letters: Don Bennett, Boyd Brandom, Melanie Cordes, Aspasia Dew, Joann Freeland, Mort Friedland, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Loraine Gruen, Keith Nash, Harold Hollister, Joan Hendrickson, Everett Weibert, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Jacquelyn King, Michele Makrucki, Ward Nicholson, Linda Phillips, Linda Shepard, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Sidney Secular, Cathy Sumners, Joann Thompson, Robert Wynman

      Optional Topic: What's the situation in your area in regard to getting decent produce? Easy or difficult, prices, changes over the years? Also what about the health food stores?

      Articles: Fruit for Thought, Part II - Dangers of fruitarianism continued; how hygienic writings have been misconstrued.

    •   3-1-93

      Letters: Bob Wynman, Don Bennett, Joel Ahlbrandt, Shirley Eckes, Andrea Brunjes-Swierkosz, Cathy Colbert, Barbara Mankoski, Melanie Cordes, Mary Skarja, Lee Gerstad, Heidi Gerstad, Joan Hendrickson, Frieda Ireland, Riita Jokela, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Helene Martin Lynn, Ward Nicholson, Linda Phillips, Linda Shepard, Sue Richards, Helen-Jean Story, Jerry Story, Joann Thompson, Everett Weibert

      Optional Topic: How does the oft-mentioned but seldom-discussed spiritual, ethical, philosophical, or psychological approach you hold (i.e., "emotional poise" in NH jargon) affect your health? What's its impact and how do you integrate it with your hygienic practices and views?

      1. Directory of Mercury-Free Info. - List of organizations, publications, and companies.
      2. Berry Good Bread - How to make sprouted Essene bread (wheatberry).
      3. Chemicals Can Affect Your Health - H.E.A.L. handout.
      4. Fruit for Thought, Part III - Conclusion of fruitarian exposé: those bad veggies and karmaless cuisine.
      5. Foregoing Flesh Humbles Sex Hormones - Scientific study on male lacto-ovo-vegetarian vs. meat-eating endurance athletes.

    •   4-15-93

      Letters: Michele Makrucki, Sheri Napoletano, Joel Rider, Ward Nicholson, Linda Shepard, Sharon Washer, Mary Skarja, Jack (Joaquin) Sophir, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Bob Wynman, Boyd Brandom, Don Bennett, Cathy Colbert, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Joan Hendrickson, Loraine Gruen, Jacquelyn King, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz

      Optional Topic: How does your NH lifestyle affect your relationship with your significant other? With friends, relatives, co-workers, business associates?

      1. Fact Sheet on Genetically Engineered Foods - Concise summary of the main issues.
      2. Tomatoes May Be Dangerous to Your Health - Editorial on genetically engineered foods.
      3. Seed & Sprout Nutritional Comparison Chart - Nutrient composition data.
      4. Avocados - "Fat" Fruit Fights Cholesterol - Nuts and avocados lower cholesterol levels.
      5. Informative reprints from the Foundation for Mercury-Free Dentistry.
      6. Complete Sprouting Chart - How-to-grow info.: soak times, sprouting times, harvest lengths, and so on.
      7. Be Cautious with Contact Lenses - Informative newspaper clipping.
      8. Tracking the Cause of Athletic Amenorrhea: Is Cortisol the Culprit? - Why do female athletes lose their periods?
      9. Sabotage in the American Workplace: Tales of Dissatisfaction, Mischief, and Revenge

    •   6-1-93

      Letters: Joan Hendrickson, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Sandy Labedz, Michele Makrucki, Ward Nicholson, Janice Oliphant, Linda Shepard, Jack Sophir, Everett Weibert, Boyd Brandom, Jerry Story, Bob Wynman, Andrea Brunjes-Swierkosz, Cathy Colbert, Melanie Cordes, Aspasia Dew, Francee Fent, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Loraine Gruen

      Optional Topic: Women's issues: What do you think about using make-up and cosmetics, hair care/perms? What about NH and the monthly cycle, pregnancy/birth control, menopause, mammograms, pap smears? What about the social pressures such as fashion, media manipulation of feminine images, feminism, etc.?

      1. Poisoning America - NAFTA Threatens U.S. Food Standards
      2. Merfluan tooth powder brochure - Claims to help remineralize teeth, control tartar.
      3. Electrical Brushes? - Electric toothbrushes, yes or no?
      4. Ropics - Newspaper article on one of our members.
      5. Acid/Alkaline Food Chart.
      6. Menstruation - Myths and realities about having or not having a period.
      7. Fat Phobia - Can low-fat diets get too low?
      8. He's Just Big, She's Far - Cultural discrimination against fat women.

    •   8-1-93

      Letters: Robert Avery, Chet Day, Aspasia Dew, Cathy Colbert, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Harold Hollister, Joan Hendrickson, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Michele Makrucki, Guylaine Lacerte, Ward Nicholson, Linda Phillips, Linda Shepard, Jerry Story, Joann Thompson, Bob Wynman, Everett Weibert

      Optional Topic: Where do you think the NH movement will be in 20 years, 50 years, 100 years? What's the future of NH?

      1. Women Put Health on Back Burner - Newspaper clipping.
      2. Women a Big Market for Legal Drug Pushers
      3. Fluoridation Spokesjournal Strikes Its Colors - Exposé of fraudulent fluoridation research.
      4. Lilacs and Sometimes on Sundays - Poetry from one of our members.
      5. Choosing Surgery over Fear - Fearing future breast cancer, women are having healthy breasts removed.
      6. Better Diet Makes for Healthier Living - Another article on menstruation and ovulation.
      7. The Truth about Tampons - The health and environmental impact of sanitary protection products.
      8. Seeds for Sprouting - Sprouting tips and ordering information from the Hippocrates Institute.
      9. Fly Wars - The losing war against the medfly and the accompanying political facade.

    •   10-1-93

      Letters: Karen Shepard & Tim, Jack Sophir, Frank Spade, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Everett Weibert, Bob Wynman, Joel Ahlbrandt, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Melanie Cordes, Chet Day, Aspasia Dew, Ron Elston, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Harold Hollister, Joan Hendrickson, Frieda Ireland, Riita Jokela, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Michael Laverty, Michele Makrucki, Ward Nicholson, Linda Phillips

      Optional Topic: What are your doubts and disagreements with NH practices, and/or the movement's leaders, professional practitioners, and organizations?

      1. How Much Does a Fast Food Hamburger Really Cost? - All the bad stuff you were afraid to know.
      2. After the Storm, the Lull - Explains the Law of Dual Effect.
      3. Tampon Troubles - Why they are bad news.
      4. Unusual Heart Therapy Wins Coverage from Large Insurer - Mutual of Omaha recognizes the Ornish plan.
      5. New Suspect in Bacterial Resistance: Amalgam - Are amalgam dental fillings creating superbugs?
      6. Healthy Living is Out in the '90s - Was it all a passing fad?
      7. Farmland Loses Ground to Urban Sprawl - Can zoning regulations help?
      8. Bicycle Commuters Get Places of Their Own - Some companies are installing bike racks and showers.
      9. Going Places - Some European cities are banning cars in pedestrial/bike-only zones.
      10. Social & Psychological Obstacles to Healthy Eating - Recognizing and surmounting them.
      11. Alaria, Dulse, Kelp, Nori - Micronutrient analysis for some common seaweeds.
      12. The Trouble with Alfalfa Sprouts - The Gerson Institute says they are toxic.
      13. Is there a Place for Animal Food in a Healthy Diet? - Alternative practitioners notice problems in long-term vegans.
      14. Research Yields Surprises about Early Human Diets - Was early man frugivorous?
      15. Only One Man Died - The Medical Aspects of the Lewis & Clark Expedition - A book review.
      16. The Great Fast Food Pigout - Burger barons declare victory over the health craze.
      17. Vaccine Group Issues Alert - Warns of Big Brother Plan to Track All Kids - Another Conspiracy-with-a-capital-C?
      18. The B-12 Question - First in a 3-part series offering various viewpoints.
      19. AIDS - Words from the Front - AZT treatment is killing patients faster than leaving them alone.
      20. Ultrarunners' "Bad Spots" - An ultrarunner speculates on the causes.
      21. Carrots Turn into Big-Money Produce - How they "grow" those "baby" carrots.

    •   12-1-93

      Letters: Clary Mitchell-Smith, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Helene Martin Lynn, Michele Makrucki, Emanuel Neuwirth, Everett Weibert, Bob Wynman, Ward Nicholson, Linda Shepard, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Bob Avery, Chet Day, Don Bennett, Aspasia Dew, Nayli Flores, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Harold Hollister

      Optional Topic: Let's hear about what you do in life besides your NH practices. What else are you passionate about, gets your motor going? Surprise us with some weird, dark corner of yourself.

      1. Natural Hygiene vs. Therapeutics - Dr. Vetrano reproaches the IAPNH for recidivism.
      2. Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow - Searching for truth, a male reporter undergoes a bikini wax.
      3. The Naked & the Bipedal - Early hominids may have stood up and gotten naked because hair was too hot.
      4. Jo Willard's 1983 Ouster from ANHS - A behind-the-scenes look at the power struggles and backstabbing.
      5. The Code of Terra Libra - See if you can figure this out.
      6. Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda! excerpt - Drastic weight loss on raw foods led to later return to normal.
      7. Workers at Pork Processing Plant Find Disease Is One of the Hazards - The bloodbath of brucellosis poisoning.
      8. Clean up Indoor Pollution with Plants - Easiest/cheapest solution to sick building syndrome.
      9. I Cured My Cancer by Starving 40 Days - Miracle diet that saved a woman's life.
      10. Breatharian Proves You Are What You Eat - He's still eating hamburgers as proof the air diet "works"!
      11. Monitoring Vaccination Would Infringe Parental Rights - Possible ramifications of scary pending legislation.
      12. Partnership for Individual Freedom - More info on pending legislation and how to fight it.
      13. Fruit Juices Tainted for Big Profits - One more reason to be juicing your own.
      14. Those Amazing Veggie Athletes - Ultramarathoner, bodybuilder, cyclist, triathlete.
      15. The B-12 Question" - Part 2 of a 3-part series.

    •   2-1-94

      Letters: Linda Phillips, Karen Shepard & Tim H., Sharon Washer, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Everett Weibert, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Chet Day, Nayli Flores, Napi Flores, Heidi Gerstad, Barbara Mankoski, Janice Oliphant, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Joan Hendrickson, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Jann Lemmerman, Michele Makrucki, Ward Nicholson

      Optional Topic: Two topics.
      1. What are your feelings about the recent power struggles within ANHS and IAPH (the two main national hygienic organizations), and how can NH best be promoted for the masses?
      2. Is masturbation natural-hygienic? :-)

      1. A Year Later, Raw Meat Still Lacks Labels - Beef politics forestalls labeling to prevent bacterial deaths.
      2. U.S. & China Reach Pact on Apple Trade - Chinese to start importing fruit from the U.S.
      3. Attention Shoppers: In Aisle 1, Flu Shots - People are getting stuck while buying groceries.
      4. Vaccinations: Health or Hazard? - Danger warnings and latest footnoted stats on vaccine ineffectiveness.
      5. Flambe? No way! - Report on an all-raw restaurant in Atlanta.
      6. Bob: It's More than a Name, It's an Attitude - Fluff piece; if it's hip, it's Bob.
      7. The Food Pyramid of your Choice (3 different ones) - Pick your favorite!
      8. Sight for Four Eyes - A cautionary look at radial keratotomy.
      9. Public Health Service Reevaluates Amalgam Safety - The waffling begins.
      10. Grain Glossary - 1-page compendium of where each grain comes from and what it's good for.
      11. Telling All with Wit & Rage - A review of the 'zine phenomenon and what motivates these M2M-like communiqués.
      12. Allergic to the 20th Century - Is environmental illness disabling some people or are they just crazy?
      13. Downloads from the Well - Online chat excerpts on eye exercises, radial keratotomy experiences.
      14. The B-12 Question - Last in a 3-part series.

    •   4-1-94

      Letters: Gregory Colalillo, Chet Day, Nayli & Napi Flores, Lee Gerstad, Joan Hendrickson, Annette Hishmeh, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Michele Makrucki, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Ward Nicholson, Janice Oliphant, Marilyn Ortmeier, Alex Peper, Linda Phillips, Linda Shepard, Jerry Story, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Don Bennett

      Optional Topic: Two topics.
      1. What constitutes a hygienic death? Is there any such thing as dying of "natural causes" or do we all die of some ailment? How do you want to die?
      2. How can we simplify our lives today-or is it really necessary? Does NH make your life more simple or more complex?

      1. An Indictment of the Biggest Medical Hoax of All Time - T.C. Fry on the non-existence of viruses. Whaddya think?
      2. The Great AIDS Hoax that Never Was - T.C. Fry rides again in inimitable style. Can ya dig it?
      3. Speciesism - An essay by one of our members on our enslaving of animals.
      4. Steady "No, Thanks" May Be the Answer for Vegetarians - Don't philosophize at potlucks; just say no.
      5. Weston Price & the Quest for the Healthy Tooth - Succinct overview of this pioneer's look at primitives vs. moderns.
      6. Can Surgery Free You from Glasses? - Consumer Reports remains skeptical about radial keratotomy.
      7. Interview with Peter Duesberg - The world's foremost retrovirologist says HIV doesn't cause AIDS. Pure dynamite!
      8. How to Boost a Sluggish Metabolism - How eating habits, food types, and exercise govern your body's "burn rate."
      9. Prozac - A Legal Drug Culture Arises - Is Prozac the country's first recreational drug-by-prescription?
      10. Why Everything Is Bad for You - How to recognize distorted media reporting on scientific research.

    •   6-1-94

      Letters: Sandy Labedz, Michele Makrucki, Ward Nicholson, Marilyn Ortmeier, Jerry Story, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Tansen-Muni, Everett Weibert, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Gregory Colalillo, Chet Day, Nayli Flores, Napi Flores, Heidi Gerstad, Lynn Hansen, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp

      Optional Topic: What are your favorite books of all time, both of a health and non-health nature? Write us some reviews.

      1. Letter from Heather Roberts in England - On tooth decay and "instinctive eating."
      2. Letter to the editor of West Lake Tahoe "Bonanza" - Our member dentist writes on chlorine and non-water drinking.
      3. If We Could Talk with the Animals - Animals do not respect their own rights across species barriers.
      4. Letter from a member's friend - Gift of Fit for Life pays dividends the for the man and his wife.
      5. Perspectives on Individualizing One's Diet - How to manage the psychology of eating patterns.
      6. Why Manual Therapies Seem to Work - The effect of adding a palliative plus the placebo effect to a generous helping of time.
      7. The Dangers of Root Canal Therapy - A look at George Meinig, DDS's book about Weston Price's early suppressed work.
      8. Vegetarians Aren't Worth Beans in Bed - Scandalous info about vegetarians' lack of lust!
      9. Twilight and Evening Star - Scott Nearing's voluntary death by fasting at age 100.

    •   8-1-94

      Letters: Jerry Story, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Aspasia Dew, Dana Evans, Zahava Feldman, Nayli & Napi Flores, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Helene Martin Lynn, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Allen Newman, Ward Nicholson, Karen Shepard

      Optional Topic:
      1. How have your hygienic beliefs and practices changed as a result of being exposed to all the different views and arguments in the M2M?
      2. What are your thoughts on the M2M process now that most of us have had 1-2 years experience with it?

      1. His Menu's No Trouble, but It's All the Same to Us - An article on one member's different-drummer mono-meal diet.
      2. Letter from an N.H. practitioner- A written response to one member's challenge.
      3. End the War on (Some) Drugs! - A member writes on the folly of illegalizing certain drugs.
      4. Downloads from the Well - "Single Vegetarians Unite" - Veggies discuss French-kissing meat-eaters and other laments.
      5. What Did Our Ancestors Eat? - The advent of cooking, pre-agricultural grain use, and more from 4 million years ago to now.
      6. Plants Found to Share Water with Neighbors - Maybe plants are smarter and more cooperative than we think!
      7. The War between Plants and Animals - How plants evolve protection from being eaten as animals evolve countermeasures.
      8. Vegetarians Aren't Worth Beans in Bed - Scandalous info about vegetarians' lack of lust!
      9. Veggies May Cut Nonsmoker Lung Cancer Risk- And raw is better than cooked; while whole milk is bad, cheese is good.
      10. The Gender Benders - Studies indict toxic chemicals for exerting a feminizing hormonal influence on the animal kingdom.
      11. That Feminine Touch - Are men suffering from prenatal/childhood exposures to these same hormonal toxicants?
      12. Research Animals Used Less Often - An over 50% decline since 1968.
      13. Gene Cuisine - When GMO's come to market, will you be able to identify them?
      14. Meatless Muscle - Male and female vegetarian body builders explain how they do it.

    •   10-1-94

      Letters: Boyd Brandom, Chet Day, Aspasia Dew, Mort Friedland, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Harold Hollister, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Jann Lemmerman, Michele Makrucki, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Allen Newman, Ward Nicholson, Marilyn Ortmeier, Ken Rose, Linda Shepard, Frank Spade, Jerry Story, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Don Bennett

      Optional Topic: Take us through a typical day of yours. How does everything fit together: eating, work, relationships, errands, kids, exercise, spare time?

      1. Feedback from someone who sampled the M2M.
      2. Food Samplers... - This jail's "meatloaf" will put you on good behavior forever.
      3. Hot News on the Internet - Sex and joke forums rate #1 attractions.
      4. Aircraft Cabin Air Quality Controversy - Airlines scrimp on air recirculation to save money; passengers suffer.
      5. Native Americans and Vegetarianism - Choctaw recounts ancient veggie ways and their downfall after contact with Europeans.
      6. Save Yourself, Save the Earth - Understand the incredible power of your knife and fork to save Mother Earth.
      7. Transitions to Agriculture in Prehistory - We know how, but why hunter/gatherers gave up the good life is still a mystery.
      8. How to Tame a Wild Plant - How our forebears domesticated them.
      9. Top Banana- The story of the tedious birth of our newest commercial banana species.
      10. Reviews of underground health 'zines by Factsheet 5 - If you dig the M2M, you may want to root around for these too.
      11. What Does Organic Really Mean? - Now's the time to influence USDA national certification standards.
      12. Organic Food Standards: Interview with Merrill Clark - Viewpoint from 15-year organic livestock producer and chair of NOSB.

    •   12-1-94

      Letters: Aspasia Dew, Nayli Flores, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Michele Makrucki, Allen Newman, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Ward Nicholson, Frank Spade, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Ken Black, Deborah Boyar, Boyd Brandom, Chet Day

      Optional Topic:
      1. Suggest more optional topics you would like to talk about for the M2M coordinator to draw on for future issues.
      2. Tell us how you think kids should be raised on the hygienic path and the problems you experienced. Or if you didn't have kids, what made you take that path?

      1. Coping with Food Allergies: The Rotary Diversified Diet - How to diagnose and prevent chronic food reactions.
      2. Coitus Reservatus - Finally some "hard" info on what is probably the same thing as "injaculation."
      3. Models of Love - The Parent-Child Journey - On teenagers and relationship choices - not food choices.
      4. Let 'em Eat Sprouts - When Children Shun Meat - Kids have their reasons, and they ain't so different from ours.
      5. Giving IV Fluids to Trauma Victims Found Harmful - Study could cause emergency care services to change decades of practice.
      6. Don't get Zapped - Electricity and EMF's can be hazardous to your health - but what can you do about it?
      7. Arthritis, Heart Disease Detected in "Ice Man" Body - 5,300-year-hold body "not much different from modern man," says researcher.

    •   2-1-95

      Letters: Harold Hollister, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Michele Makrucki, Ward Nicholson, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Bob Wynman, Everett Weibert, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Stanley Bass, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Deborah Boyar, Boyd Brandom, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad

      Optional Topic: Let's hear your brilliant and radical suggestions for a solution the national health-care crisis.

      1. Junk Food Junkie Deer Shot - Deer pay with their health and lives when they get hooked on junk fed to them by tourists.
      2. Keep Porn Shop, Lose Happy Meal - A town prefers real porn shop to nutritional porn McDonald's.
      3. Sandy's Eating Plan for Optimal Health - A member's information handout to people who inquire about her diet.
      4. Instinctive Nutrition - The practice of anopsology - the way eating by following inborn instinct.
      5. Watermelon and Almonds Now Go Together... - A satire on IAPNH's new food combining manifesto.
      6. From Breadfruits to Bread Lines - A French anthropologist disputes the evolutionary party line on the start of agriculture and cooking.
      7. The Oldest Old - People in their late 90's and up often healthier than those 20 years younger.
      8. Breast Milk - It's a Natural - A point-by-point comparison vs. cow and formula.
      9. The Right to Bare Breasts - Indecent exposure laws are being challenged by breastfeeding moms.
      10. New Study of Electromagnetism Clouds Hunt for Cancer Link
      11. Shock Journalism - The junk reporting behind the power line/cancer connection.

    •   4-1-95

      Letters: Michele Makrucki, Iris Panzetta, Ward Nicholson, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Allen Newman, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Deborah Boyar, Boyd Brandom, Chet Day, Aspasia Dew, Heidi Gerstad, Lee Gerstad, Mohammad Ghonoudian, Harold Hollister, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz

      Optional Topic: Let's tackle the question a recent Utne Reader cover story (100 Visionaries) put to leading thinkers of our time: What are you thinking and obsessing about these days related to your most important personal and planetary concerns?

      1. From Breadfruits to Bread Lines (part 2) - Did cooking lead humanity out of the tropics?
      2. Suit Filed and Court Grants Injunction against Victoria Woman - Texas news clippings detail past Fry/Cinqué legal brouhaha.
      3. Well-Intended but Cruel to the Fish - A member's letter to the Seal Beach newspaper questioning local teach-the-kids-to-fish day.
      4. Modern Life Suppresses Ancient Body Rhythm - Artificial lighting disrupts our natural seasonal ebb and flow of melatonin.
      5. A Giant Spraying Sound - Agribusiness partners in Mexico poison workers growing produce for the U.S.
      6. Gut Thinking - Fruit-eating spider monkeys found to be smarter/more energetic than co-existing leaf-eating howlers. Human implications?
      7. Diary of a Net Fiend - Why a veteran of Internet newslists decided to quit.

    •   6-1-95

      Letters: Janice Oliphant, Jerry Story, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Stanley Bass, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Boyd Brandom, Deborah Boyar, Gregory Colalillo, Aspasia Dew, Heidi Gerstad, Annette Hishmeh, Harold Hollister, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Michele Makrucki, Joan (nee Hendrickson) Nitz, Ward Nicholson

      Optional Topic: Four optional topics to choose from:
      1. Discuss any "metanormal" experiences you've had.
      2. Do your experiences or beliefs agree with the suggestion in religious and health literature that spiritual consciousness can be raised through fasting and pure diet?
      3. Write about fasting from your personal experiences.
      4. What are your feelings about "natural" consciousness-altering substances from the plant world such as psilocybin mushrooms, etc.?

      1. Bonobo Sex and Society - Non-procreational use of sex for fun, persuasion, and social binding by bonobo chimps suggests humans are not unique in this area.
      2. Immunization by Fruits - GM fruits could soon be delivering vaccines to you via your friendly grocery store!
      3. Natural Toxins in Beans No Cause for Alarm - So says "sprout man" Steve Meyerowitz.
      4. Study Finds Evidence of Viral Mutation Due to Nutritional Deficiency - Altered viruses may then adversely affect the healthy population.
      5. Question of Ethics Confronts Organic Food Industry - Class-action suit charges certifying organizations with allowing treated fruit to be sold as "organic."
      6. Organic Standards Board Recommends Allowances for Synthetic Pesticides/Additives in Foods Labeled Organic - Yikes!

    •   8-1-95

      Letters: Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Boyd Brandom, Aspasia Dew, Leo Duerson, Nayli & Napi Flores, Heidi Gerstad, James Heney, Harold Hollister, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Ward Nicholson, Marilyn Ortmeier, Edward Brancard, Jerry Story, Terezia Walicky, Zephyr, Bernarr Zovluck

      Optional Topic: Six optional topics!
      1. Retell the story of how you got involved in NH for newcomers.
      2. Review any good books you've read lately.
      3. Rest is important in the NH philosophy. How much do you get, when, naps, on what, etc.?
      4. Are you creative? How, when, tell us more.
      5. Civic engagement: Are you involved, how, where, why, goals, success?
      6. Sharing: Do you contribute, donate, tithe, volunteer, how much, what, when?

      1. The Human Use of Insects as Food in Uganda - Said to be better raw than cooked!
      2. Natural Toxins in Sprouts and Seeds: Separating Myth from Reality
      3. Can Bras Give You Cancer? - They may restrict tissues enough to block the lymph system from removing toxins.
      4. What We're Eating, Where We're Going - Stats on the coming squeeze in food consumption and farming inputs.
      5. The Cost of Poor Health Habits - Insurance statistics show which bad habits account for which percentage of health problems.
      6. Eating Enzymes: A Gift from Plants - A scientific update on what is now known about the digestive process vis-a-vis plant enzymes.
      7. Easter's End - How humans fouled their own nest, destroying the island's ecosystem and themselves too. Are we next?
      8. The Old Advice: Work Out. The New Advice: Walk the Dog & Take the Stairs - But is exercise lite enough for you?

    •   10-1-95

      Letters: Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Eric Karlsson, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Marilyn Ortmeier, Janice Oliphant, Frank Spade, Ward Nicholson, Iris Panzetta, Jerry Story, Tansen-Muni, Terezia Walicky, Everett Weibert, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Deborah Boyar, Gregory Colalillo

      Optional Topic: Four more topics:
      1. Fluids: How do you stay hydrated? Should "high-water-content" foods (a la Fit for Life) be enough, or is drinking water just as natural?
      2. What are your views on dietary supplements and do you take any?
      3. Pets: What and how many do you have, vegetarian or not?
      4. Sex: What did you think about the reprint article run in issue #19 about those wild and promiscuous Bonobo chimpanzees, one of our closest animal relatives? Do you feel any light was shed on implications for human beings?

      1. Blue-Green Algae Blues - Is Cell Tech just in it for the money?
      2. Pass the Pepper and Pond Scum, Please - A humorous take-off on the nutritional pond slime craze.
      3. Remembering Paul C. Bragg - A tribute to the crusader who started the first health food store in America and introduced the U.S. to juicing.
      4. Nutritional Causes of Anxiety and Panic Attacks - No, Virginia, they don't just happen.
      5. Meat Viewed as Staple of Chimp Diet and Mores - New research shows chimps to be avid hunters, not docile vegetarians as once believed.
      6. Using Spider Web Patterns to Determine Toxicity - Spiders exposed to chemicals spin visibly altered webs.
      7. Life for Sale - Europe nixes patenting of life forms, while U.S. plows ahead.
      8. Weed Killers in Tap Water in Corn Belt - Study sees danger to young children; millions have herbicides in their water supplies.
      9. Canada's Health-Care Woes - As the U.S. Congress considers expanding Medicare, Alberta is trying to sell off hospitals.
      10. Breast Cancer & the Environment - Our scientific and political establishments remain paralyzed in the face of mounting evidence of environmental toxicity.

    •   12-1-95

      Letters: Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Warren Mueller, Lois Mueller, Sheri Napoletano, Ward Nicholson, Jim Panzetta, Chet Day, Aspasia Dew Frederick, Heidi Gerstad, James Heney, Annette Hishmeh, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Jacquelyn King, Ken Rose, Jerry Story, Jeanette Woolsey, Bob Wynman, Zephyr, Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Deborah Boyar, Gregory Colalillo

      Optional Topic: Three topics:
      1. How about including something in your letter written by your significant other or best friend about what it's like to live with a natural hygienist?
      2. The bottom line on B-12 for vegetarians: what do YOU think?
      3. Have you ever had ant, silverfish, or roach problems, and if so what did you do? Did you get rid of them naturally or reach for the Raid?

      1. Grading the Gene Tests - The ethical problems surrounding gene testing are as ominous as the diseases themselves.
      2. The Mouse on the Left Needs Leptin - Gene manipulation uncovers a "fat" gene.
      3. The Genes of 1995 - Dwarfism, obesity - the new genes keep coming at a furious pace.
      4. Gene Therapy: Special Delivery - Gene therapy grows more fashionable as experimental treatments for AIDS, cancer, and inherited genetic diseases.
      5. Excerpts from the Unabomber's manifesto - Was he totally crazy, or do some of his doomsday arguments make perfect sense?

    •   2-1-96

      Letters: Warren Mueller, Lois Mueller, Sheri Napoletano, Ward Nicholson, Jim Panzetta, Scott Teal, Zephyr, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Stanley Bass, Natalie Blahut, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Deborah Boyar, Stanley Bass, Aspasia Dew, Leo Duerson, Peter Figgis, Heidi Gerstad, James Heney, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Sandy Labedz, Clary Mitchell-Smith

      Optional Topic: Keep a food diary and write down what you eat for a week and send it in as part of your letter. (Not very people responded to this-which was very telling. :-) )

      1. True Unbelievers - Does HIV cause AIDS after all? The harsh light of reality begins to reflect back on the naysayers too.
      2. Finally, a Diet That Makes Sense! - New research suggests that one's genetic ancestry, metabolic rate, and blood type play significant roles in determining an individual's optimal diet.
      3. Caloric Restriction and Aging - A comprehensive look at what research now says about the potential increases in human longevity from nutrient-sufficient, but calorie-restricted, diets.

    •   4-1-96

      Letters: Ellie Rotunno, Tansen-Muni, Scott Teal, Terezia Walicky, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Deborah Boyar, Peter Brandt, Aspasia Dew, Peter Figgis, James Heney, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Sandy Labedz, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Sheri Napoletano, Ward Nicholson, Nick Phillips

      Optional Topic: What's your general or predominant mood? If you drew a horizontal line and plotted your mood in relation to it, how would it vary above or below the line? Why do you think your mood is the way it is, and what factors to you think contribute to or determine it?

      1. Nutrition? No How - The scientific basis of Louise Gittleman's new book, Your Body Knows Best, is called into question.
      2. Diet & Primate Evolution, Another Perspective - Summarizes the possible path of decline of humanity's consciousness since departing from its primitive diet.
      3. Complex & Hidden Brain In the Gut Makes Cramps, Butterflies & Valium - The gut has a mind of its own that amounts to a second brain that communicates with your other one.
      4. Beyond Weight Loss: The Nutrition Solution - The physiological justification of Louise Gittleman's and Barry Sears' diets.
      5. Stanford's Secret Weapon - Stanford University summers' record-breaking year using Sears' "Zone-favorable" diet.
      6. Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance: A Missing Link in Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease - The detrimental effects of hyperinsulinemia.
      7. The Mythology of High-Carbohydrate Diets - Barry Sears explains the benefits of his new "Zone" diet.

    •   6-1-96

      Letters: Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Boyd Brandom, Peter Brandt, Chet Day, Aspasia Dew, Peter Figgis, Heidi Gerstad, Forest Greenwald, James Heney, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Lois Mueller, Sheri Napoletano, Nick Phillips, Ellie Rotunno

      Optional Topic: In the time you've been reading the M2M, how has it influenced your views about NH and other aspects of health and eating? Why have your views changed or not changed? (Be specific and not vague or general.) A new twist this time around is to also tell us how your views about yourself and what you are doing have changed from your M2M participation.

      1. Low-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Diets are Assaulted Again: Should You Try to Adopt a "Zone-favorable" Diet? - A rebuttal to Barry Sears.
      2. Can a Raw-Foods Diet be Balanced? - A look at diets like ours from the perspective of the mainstream vegetarian community.
      3. Instinctive eating meal-time flow charts - An attempt to show the decision-making process instinctos go through.
      4. A New Goal - Beyond Organic: "Clean Food" - Now that the word "organic" is being corrupted, is it time to create a new higher standard?
      5. The Ecological Balance - NOSB member Merrill Clark reports on the NOSB's negligence in allowing pesticides to be used on foods classified as "organic."
      6. Organic Standards Board Approves Petroleum Oils and Use of Pesticides in Organic Food Production - How the standards are being stretched.
      7. We Need More Support - An organic farmer reports what compromises in pesticide use are acceptable and which are not in a less-band-perfect world.

    •   8-1-96

      Letters: Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Stanley Bass, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Peter Brandt, Deborah Boyar, Chet Day, Aspasia Dew, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson, Peter Figgis, James Heney, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Ward Nicholson, Ellie Rotunno, Tansen-Muni, Scott Teal, Bob Wynman

      Optional Topic: Let's hear your life story, only this time, don't center it around your NH saga. Let's hear a bird's-eye view of how you got to be the person you are, your childhood, school years, how you got into the line of work you do, and the significant events and people that shaped you.

      1. Letter to the editor of Natural Living Today - Shows how one member's letter was gutted of its strongest points in editing.
      2. Fasting: Are the Health Benefits Fact or Fiction? - Illustrates how fasting is often misrepresented, even in vegetarian publications.
      3. Anopsology: Sources of info on instinctive nutrition - A short list of instincto books available in English.
      4. Humans Are Omnivores - John McArdie, Ph.D., debunks the popular vegetarian comparative anatomy myth that claims humans are natural vegetarians.
      5. Good News in a Nutshell - Despite increasing fat levels in the diet, nuts result in better health for those who eat them.
      6. 80-year-old Hauled to Jail in Handcuffs for not Weeding his Yard - And not only that, they hacked down all the plants in James Snyder's garden he depended on for food!
      7. Is the Breast Still Best? - Mother's milk is a unique blend of all that's best for baby, but it's also full of toxic chemicals today.
      8. If Sun Shines in, Workers Work Better, Buyers Buy More - Did we really need studies to tell us people prefer sunshine to artificial light?

    •   10-1-96

      Letters: Peter Brandt, Mary-Louise Burt, Charlie Donham, Heidi Gerstad, Forest Greenwald, James Heney, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Jim Kirsch, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Ward Nicholson, Kirt Nieft, Nick Phillips, Jerry Story, Meredith Westfall, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Carol Ashley, Kendall Black

      Optional Topic: Two topics:
      1. Another recycler: What are the easiest and hardest things for you about being a natural hygienist related to self-behavior? What are the easiest and hardest things about interacting socially with others when the situation involves food, shared meals, and health practices?
      2. Distilled water: Do you give credence to the idea that distilled water may leach minerals from the body? If you do not, do you think there are other ways distillation/boiling may detrimentally affect the water's properties?

      1. Revealed at last! The REAL Secret of Kombucha - Read it and find out for yourself!
      2. Excerpts from the October, 1977 issue of Hygienic Review, commemorating the 100th anniversary of Herbert Shelton's birth.
      3. The Fuhrman Bear Report: Mineral Content of Foods - First statistical comparison we've seen of mineral amounts in organically grown vs. commercially grown produce.
      4. Today's Fish: Straight from the Farm - If you thought wild fish were safe from being penned up in small spaces and shot full of drugs like chickens and veal calves, think again!
      5. Happy in the East (^_^) or Smiling in the West :-) - Japanese Internet users adapt emoticons to their own language and culture.
      6. Dem Bones - Do High-Protein Diets Cause Bone Loss? - If you thought all the data was in and the issue laid to rest, think again.
      7. Separating Truth from Myth in Nutrition - What about disease incidence and the role of fats in vegetarian vs. animal-food diets? Think even more!

    •   12-1-96

      Letters: Dave Eschan, Peter Figgis, Giles Fischer, Napi Flores, Aspasia Dew, Napi & Nayli Flores, Forest Greenwald, James Heney, Annette Hishmeh, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Lea Marra, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Warren Mueller, Kirt Nieft, Nick Phillips, Ellie Rotunno, Terezia Walicky, Everett Weibert, Meredith Westfall, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Stanley Bass, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Deborah Boyar, Will Coresun, Leo Duerson, Peter Brandt

      Optional Topic: Two topics:
      1. How do you handle the social situation of eating meals with others who are indifferent or disturbed by your dietary habits? Do you stick to your guns or compromise? And do you try to spread the NH gospel? Why (and if so, how) or why not?
      2. Give us the straight poop: Is your uniformly shaped to please, plopping without difficulty, no toilet paper needed? Or, well, if not, please explain and theorize/rationalize...

      Articles: Diet and Primate Evolution - How the search for fruit has driven food procurement behavior, brain development, gut morphology, and metabolism in primates, with implications for human dietary evolution.

    •   2-1-97

      Letters: JR Ellis, Dave Eschan, Peter Figgis, Forest Greenwald, Giles Fischer, Aspasia Dew Flores, Harold Hollister, James Heney, Frieda Ireland, Terry Johnson, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Nick Phillips, Axel Makaroff, Lea Marra, Ward Nicholson, Annelle Mundt, Kirt Nieft, Ellie Rotunno, Grace Stern Swanson, Helen Jean Story, Tansen-Muni, Tierra True, Terezia Walicky, Meredith Westfall, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Carol Ashley, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Peter Brandt, Mary-Louise Burt, Will Coresun, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson

      Optional Topic: Suggest ways to improve the M2M itself while at the same time streamlining its operation. What changes can be made to avoid overtaxing/burning out the coordinator?

      1. Chart of Nutritional Values of Selected Insects - How many have you eaten? Bon appétit!
      2. Instincto chart of various disease symptoms and their causes
      3. Chart of nutritional delicacies favored by experienced instinctos
      4. The Devil's Bargain: Profits Today, Plagues Tomorrow - Blows the whistle on GATT's laissez-faire attitude toward pesticides and genetically engineered foods.
      5. The Remarkable Story of Frank Stranahan - A successful hygienic body builder constructs his diet and exercise regimen in the Paul Bragg mold.
      6. Neuro-Cranial Restructuring - An Interview with Dr. Dean Howell - Think you've got a swelled head? Perhaps it's not swollen enough!
      7. Nut Processing Notes - What a Raw Fooder Should Know About Nuts - If you seek truly raw nuts, this information-packed article will tell you what pitfalls to avoid.
      8. Not Enough Nutrients from Modern Agriculture? - A modern study compares the nutrient values of selected organic vs. commercial produce.

    •   4-1-97

      Letters: Sandy Labedz, Axel Makaroff, Lea Marra, Warren Mueller, Audrey Newcomb, Ward Nicholson, Nick Phillips, Ellie Rotunno, Christina Surtees, Ben Russell, Tierra True, Terezia Walicky, Kathleen Wasylow, Bob Wynman, Steve Yankovich, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Peter Brandt, Marie Betz, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Mary-Louise Burt, Will Coresun, Charlie Donham, JR Ellis, Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer, Forest Greenwald, James Heney, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp

      Optional Topic: Discuss the principle of free speech vs. censorship as it should apply to the M2M. Should member letters always be completely unedited, or should the coordinator sometimes intervene in certain cases? If so, when and why?

      1. Octogenarian Inspires Admiration and Benjamin Russell - Two newspaper articles introduce and recap the life story of our new member Ben.
      2. It's in Your Blood - Eating According to Your Blood Type - Some researchers claim that our natural dietary may be ascertained by looking at our blood types.
      3. Polluted Pet Food - Do you know what goes into those commercial pet foods? It's not pretty!
      4. Vegetables, Fruit, and Cancer Prevention: A Review - A meta-analysis of 206 human and 22 animal studies reveals that eating raw fruits and vegetables lowers cancer risk.
      5. Milk Substitutes Made from Sprouted Oats - Struggling to give up dairy? This may be what you're looking for.
      6. Vaccination Inc., Part II - Are vaccinations being used as a form of population control by the super-rich?
      7. Fear of Disease Prompts New Look at Rendering - Everything you always wanted to know about animal "rendering," but were afraid to ask.
      8. Time to Rethink the Germ Theory - Béchamp's lesser-known alternative to Pasteur's famous germ theory is explained.

    •   6-1-97

      Letters: Ellie Rotunno, Meredith Westfall, Ben Russell, Terezia Walicky, Bob Wynman, Steve Yankovich, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Don Bennett, Kendall Black, Renee Brenner, Will Coresun, Eugene Dell, Charlie Donham, Lea Marra, Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Axel Makaroff, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips

      Optional Topic: Two topics:
      1. How about telling us what's in your refrigerator right now - right this minute? Don't go hiding the evidence! And instead of restricting yourself to the fridge, don't forget to include the pantry, cupboards, sprout jars, and other food hiding places. And don't just tell us what you have, tell us why!
      2. List all of the factors we agree on related to health and list the percentages of importance for each of us. What's the key factor for you - diet, exercise, mental poise, sunshine, fresh air, something else? Can you rank the various preconditions of health in order of importance for you? Is your health mainly due to physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual factors? Or is it even possible to subdivide it meaningfully into these components and categories?

      1. What the Minerals and Vitamins Do and Where to Get Them - Explains the roles of certain vitamins and minerals and lists foods that contain them.
      2. Gene Trouble - An exclusive M2M article by Dr. V. V. Vetrano, M.D. proves that nutrition is master of heredity.
      3. Bras and Breast Cancer - Ever wonder why men seldom get breast cancer? Could it be because they seldom wear bras?
      4. 0P vs. Hybrid - Explains what's wrong with modern hybrid seeds and why they won't give you your B-12.
      5. Displays Quality of OP Corn - One farmer's experience with open pollinated vs. hybrid corn.
      6. New Findings Suggest Caloric Restriction May Prolong Healthy Life - Summarizes the current state of longevity research in primates.
      7. Effects of Vegetarian Diets on Aging and Longevity - Concludes that vegetarian diets are health-promoting, with a long list of references.
      8. Better Health from Better Soil - Cites experiments done to prove the superiority of organically grown food.
      9. Healthy Peoples - An anthropological overview of the types of diets eaten by the world's native peoples, as observed by Weston Price and others.
      10. Lethal Injection: TriCal, Inc. and the Poisonous Politics of Methyl Bromide - This deadly pesticide is used on strawberries, grapes, and almonds.
      11. Eating Well: Trying to Get Labels on Genetically Altered Food - Tells the current status of the battle and lists which transgenic foods are already being sold.
      12. Summary and conclusions from The Status of Food Enzymes in Digestion and Metabolism - Presents Dr. Edward Howell's conclusions based on his review of the scientific literature relating to enzymes.
      13. Dietary Habits and Mrtality in 11,000 Vegetarians and Health Conscious People: Results of a 17-Year Follow-up - This study found vegetarians live longer - and longer yet with daily fruit eating.

    •   8-1-97

      Letters: Steve Yankovich, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Natalie Blahut, Kendall Black, Dave Blazocek, Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer, Don Bennett, Forest Greenwald, James Heney, Harold Hollister, Sandy Labedz, Lea Marra, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Warren Mueller, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Ellie Rotunno, Ben Russell, Tierra True, ombodhi thoren st. john, Terezia Walicky, Bob Wynman

      Optional Topic: Tell us about your past experiences and future plans regarding attendance at the ANHS annual conventions - highlights and/or disappointments. Are you going this year?

      1. Dancing in the N Zone - Gabriel Cousens explains why dietary confusion reins.
      2. Self-Mastery through Attentive Eating - Urges us to pay attention when we eat for better digestion.
      3. The Menstrual Myth - Questions the normalcy of the monthly bloodletting.
      4. Toxic Shock! How Safe Are Feminine Hygiene Products? - Blows the whistle on current industry practices.
      5. The Cosmetic Mask - Suggests we think twice before smearing our bodies with the usual toxic cosmetics and offers some better alternatives.
      6. Is God Still Pleased with the Scent of Burnt Offerings? - One of our members writes an article on the hazards of incense-burning.
      7. Planters II - A Unique Source of Minerals - Explains how and why to use rock dust in our gardens and lists one source.
      8. Our Internal Cleansing System - One of our 19th-century hygienic revolutionaries gives us a timeless physiology lesson on the importance of proper drainage.

    •   10-1-97

      Letters: Mary-Louise Burt, Eugene Dell, Charlie Donham, JR Ellis, Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Ellie Rotunno, Ben Russell, ombodhi thoren st. john, Terezia Walicky, Joanne Wiater, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Bob Wynman

      Optional Topic: Recycled Topic from #7: Let's discuss women's issues. How do you feel about using make-up/cosmetics, hair care/perms, the monthly cycle, pregnancy/birth control, menopause, mammograms, pap smears, fashion pressures, media manipulation of feminine images, feminism, high heels, bras, nylons, childhood role-model imprinting, medical (mis)treatment of women: hysterectomies, hormone replacement, fetal ultrasound and amniocentesis...

      1. An M2M Exclusive Interview with David Wolfe - The first of a possible new series of interviews with our various health gurus quizzes this controversial co-author of Nature's First Law.
      2. 12 Reasons to Buy Organic - Convince your friends.
      3. Theorists See Evolutionary Advantages in Menopause - Presents the latest scientific rationalizations to explain menopause.
      4. Characteristics of Traditional Diets & Dietary Dangers - Summarizes the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation's view of what constitutes a natural diet.
      5. Kentucky Doctors Warn against a Regional Dish: Squirrel Brains - Instinctos beware! Mad squirrel disease is on the loose!
      6. Slowing Aging by Calorie Restriction - Presents scientific evidence in favor of eating less to prolong life.
      7. Chart of amino acids - tells you which foods contain which ones, in case you were wondering.
      8. Food Facts and Fallacies - Links poor diet with juvenile delinquency.
      9. Babies Need Their Mothers Beside Them - Argues that newborns should sleep their mothers.
      10. Health Food Junkie - Alleges that those of us who take our diets too seriously risk developing a new disease called orthorexia nervosa.
      11. Fluoride, Teeth, and the Atomic Bomb - Exposes the Government cover-up of fluoride toxicity and its connection to nuclear bomb production.
      12. Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluoridation - Summarizes fluoride's harmful effects.
      13. Dare to Think ... A Message about Fluoride - Presents more anti-fluoride information.

    •   12-1-97

      Letters: Mel Kimmel, Helen Kopp, Tatiana Kozlova, Sandy Labedz, Ward Nicholson, Nick Phillips, Joseph Reed, Ben Russell, Meredith Westfall, ombodhi thoren st. john, Terezia Walicky, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Wally Attaway, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Michael Bobier, Mary-Louise Burt, Chet Day, Charlie Donham, Dave Eschan, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister

      Optional Topic: Recycled Topic from #3: How do you handle the hygienically treacherous Holiday Season? Do you make compromises in your eating habits to accommodate family members? Do you ignore what others are eating and stick to your diet? Or do you avoid those tricky social gatherings altogether? What do (did) you hand out for Halloween? Do you find New Year's Resolutions helpful? Will you be making any for next year?

      1. An Interview with Dr. Alec Burton - Explains this doctor's dietary philosophy with some interesting tidbits on the fingernail analysis thrown in.
      2. Smashing Poverty Mentality - Urges positive thinking to contribute to our financial health.
      3. The Case against Circumcision - Thinking of cutting up your newborn? Think again.
      4. Your Own Perfect Medicine - Presents the case in favor of that most unhygienic beverage, your own urine!
      5. Salt - Reminds us of the dangers of that nasty inorganic white stuff.
      6. The Great Debate: High vs. Low Protein Diets - Exposes the fallacies of "Zone"-like diets.
      7. Culturing Your Food: Pickling & fermentation - Presents the arguments in favor of fermented food.
      8. Fasting vs. Rotted Foods - Presents the hygienic case against fermented foods.
      9. Play Games - Says that game-playing promotes mental fitness.
      10. Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abusive Police Power by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other Federal Agencies - Sums up some of those all-to-frequent nefarious activities funded by our tax dollars.

    •   2-98

      Letters: Nick Phillips, Helen Sun, Ben Russell, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Martha Ash, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Mary-Louise Burt, Eugene Dell, Charlie Donham, JR Ellis, Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer, Gene Gage, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Mel Kimmel, Helen Kopp, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Sandy Labedz, Audrey Newcomb, Ward Nicholson

      Optional Topic: Two Optional Topics for this issue:
      1. Make a wish - any wish. The Hygienic Genie will grant it. What do you want, for yourself or for humanity?
      2. Let's re-evaluate the Ship of M2M's bearings over the past year and suggest a future course. Should we do something different? More of the same?

      1. Hybrid Foods and Global Genocide - Hybridization health woes are seen to be due to a policy of deliberate genocide.
      2. Jo Yoshida's Story - An autobiography of a natural health enthusiast.
      3. Jeanne Calment, World's Elder, Dies at 122 - The world's oldest person ate cooked food, chocolate, and smoked. So what gives, guys?
      4. Bodybuilder Goes Raw! - A published profile of one of our members.
      5. What Is Organic? - A discussion of the proposed USDA standards.
      6. MOFFA flyer warns of defects in the proposed organic standards and urges input to the USDA rulemakers.
      7. Remarkable Recoveries - Reminds us with very dramatic case histories that physiological rest is the hygienic method of healing sick bodies.
      8. Celiac Disease - Discusses the problems that grains can cause.
      9. The Truth about Colloidal Minerals - Explodes the myth of colloidal minerals.
      10. Why Bogus Therapies Seem to Work - Explains the mental traps we all fall into with therapeutic remedies.
      11. The Lies of Unleaded Petrol - Tells the real reason they took the lead out and why the cure is worse than the disease.
      12. Pasteur ... or Béchamp? - Elucidates the conflict between the Germ Theory and the Somatid Theory of disease.

    •   4-98

      Letters: Martha Ash, Bob Avery, Stanley Bass, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt, Charlie Donham, Dave Eschan, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Frieda Ireland, Mel Kimmel, Helen Kopp, Sandy Labedz, Susan Mazzocco, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Audrey Newcomb, Ward Nicholson, Nick Phillips, Joe Reed, Ben Russell, Aaron Sugarman, Helen Sun, Joanne Wiater, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck

      Optional Topic: Again two more Optional Topics:
      1. Ward Nicholson once proposed this interesting topic: "Maybe a dumb question, but what do you all think about different kinds of music and their effects? Are most of the mental and emotional effects we get from music just learned associations that have been acculturated into us through conditioning? (I.e., are they mainly cultural?) For instance, do you think operatic arias are divinely inspired, and do they send you into a swoon, or do they make your blood curdle? Or do you think certain types of music are inherently soothing, uplifting, inspiring, or perhaps on the other hand deadening, stressful, 'noise'? What kind of music do you listen to? Or do you feel music should be entirely avoided when possible, as something that wasn't around when we evolved? (heehee) Is music valuable or is it irrelevant?" Well, that's a pretty clear homework assignment, boys and girls. I can't think of anything to add to it.
      2. How about some more suggestions for Optional Topics? What should we be discussing in these pages in the future?

      1. Helen and Scott Nearing - An old interview with the late Nearings briefly explains their lifestyles and dietary and political philosophies.
      2. The Sound of Healing - Tells us what music to listen to promote healing.
      3. Soybean Products: A Recipe for Disaster - Explains why soybeans aren't so good for babies and other humans.
      4. Foraging in the Urban Jungle - Relates one man's experiences and lessons learned with natural foods and instinctive eating.
      5. Personal Health - Focuses on the health benefits and other advantages of tai chi, a thorough but non-strenuous workout.
      6. Mad Cow Disease: Industrial Farming Comes Home to Roost - Can mad cow happen here? Maybe it already as! Factory farming, rendering, food disparagement laws, and who's behind it all.
      7. A Top Chef Makes Magic out of Weeds and Knowing Sassafras from Poke - Two newspaper articles show that edible weeds are coming out of the woods and into gourmet restaurants.

    •   6-98

      Letters: Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Mel Kimmel, Sandy Labedz, Susan Mazzocco, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Joe Reed, Michael Bobier, Ben Russell, ombodhi thoren st. john, Aaron Sugarman, Helen Sun, Jean-Louis Tu, Frank Wilson, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Martha Ash, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt, Charlie Donham

      Optional Topic: Let's discuss meditation for this homework assignment. Should it be considered part of the Natural Hygiene program? Do you meditate? If so, what have been, or are, some of your experiences? What procedures/routines do you follow? What methods do you find most effective? What has meditation taught you that you mightn't have learned otherwise? If you don't, why not? Is meditation just a frivolous fad?

      1. Helen and Scott Nearing - Finishes the interview from last issue, inadvertently truncated.
      2. Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking - This just might convince you to decommission that ubiquitous modern convenience.
      3. Founding Member Eric Storm Celebrates His 102nd Birthday - Tells the secrets of a truly successful Australian hygienist. Be prepared for some surprises!
      4. Playing the Gene Fiddle - Tells us the latest awful news from the recombinant DNA frontier.
      5. Change of Heart - Shows how we can learn to control our heartbeat to increase mastery of that elusive hygienic health requirement of mental poise.

    •   8-98

      Letters: Audrey Newcomb, Ward Nicholson, Nick Phillips, Ken Shapiro, Aaron Sugarman, Helen Sun, Tierra True, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Stanley Bass, Martha Ash, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Charlie Donham, Dave Eschan, Leo Duerson, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Mel Kimmel, Susan Mazzocco

      Optional Topic: What do you think about dreams? Do you dream? Do your dreams dissipate as soon as you awake and you don't give them a second thought? Or do you agree with Robert Johnson that "dreams express the unconscious. Dreams are dynamic mosaics, composed of symbols, that express the movements, conflicts, interactions, and developments of the great energy systems within the unconscious." Have you ever seriously studied your dreams? Have you had recurring dreams, or a powerful dream that occurred at a crucial time in your life? Are dreams simply random electrical noise generated by our sleeping brains? Or do you believe that dreams can be extremely significant psychologically, even perhaps to the extent of foretelling future events, or as windows into past lives? Do they contribute in any way to our spiritual growth? Have you had any experience with lucid dreams (conscious control over the dream process from within the dream)? Is this useful?

      1. Meet Rose-Lee Calabro - She lost 135 pounds eating raw foods and is now the self-published author of Living in the Raw.
      2. The Toughest Man in the Ring - Relates the story of Indian strong man Gama, who trained without weights, using only two simple exercises to defeat the top wrestlers of the Western world.
      3. Forced High-Rep Squats - How to Build Overall Size with the Monster Mass Movement - A near raw foodist weightlifter puts one of Gama's exercises to good use.
      4. On the Manumission of the Jungle - Are those "dumb" animals smarter and more people-like than we think?
      5. The Olive Oil Scandal - So you think your olive oil is extra virginal, do ya? Think again!
      6. The Real Price of Bananas - a Textbook Example of Exploitative Agribusiness Taking Its Toll on the Planet - The sordid details of commercial banana growing.
      7. Quantum Energetics: An Emerging Subtle Energy Healing Method - Can that mysterious life force known as nerve energy be manipulated via herbs, supplements, and therapeutic touch?
      8. Secret Testing of Substitutes for Chemical Cleaning - Describes emerging new non-polluting dry cleaning techniques.
      9. Organic Clothes on Backs, Not Minds - Informs us that organic cotton production is on the rise.
      10. Hysterectomy Hysteria - What your physician won't tell you about this most common of female surgical procedures.
      11. AIDS - A Doctor's Note on the Man-made Theory - Did AIDS originate in hepatitis vaccine? Could the contamination have been deliberate?
      12. Anthropological Implications of the Maillard Reaction: An Insight - A food scientist attempts to explain the origins of cooking.

    •   10-98

      Letters: Ken Shapiro, Helen Sun, Jean-Louis Tu, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Michael Bobier, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt, Gregory Colalillo, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan, Harold Hollister, Susan Mazzocco, Audrey Newcomb, Ben Russell, Nick Phillips, Joe Reed, Nancy Reed

      Optional Topic: A recycler from #13: Let's tackle this one again. Most of us are readaholics around here, and we frequently suggest books or quote from them to each other in these pages, so it's high time we make this an official Topic once more. If you are a newer member, you might want to tackle the "favorite books of all time" part of the question. If you already answered this in #13, maybe you'd just want to tell us what books have been valuable or exciting to you lately. Or maybe your all-time favorite list has changed in the interim. Besides the book reviews, it would also be fun to know what categories of books you favor. Is it all health-related stuff, or do you like to read fiction as well? What types of subject matter interest you? What about newspapers and magazines?

      1. An Exclusive M2M Interview with Aajonus Vonderplanitz - Tells the fascinating health journey and philosophy of this raw meateating author of We Want to Live.
      2. The CaPNaK Chart - Shows pictorially how foods compare in sodium/potassium (yin/yang) and calcium/phosphorus (alkaline/acid) balance.
      3. Facts of Light - A buying guide to the various "full-spectrum" lights on the market.
      4. Ultraviolet: the Untold Story - Reminds us of the importance of sunlight to our health.
      5. Modern Miracle Men - Dr. Charles Northen testifies before Congress on the importance to human health of improving our soil quality - back in 1936!
      6. Shift in Cow Feed May Make Beef Safer - Reverting cattle to their natural grass diet for just one week prior to slaughter eliminates mutant E. coli from their feces. Duh.
      7. Carpet: Laying It Safe - Tells us how to buy and install new carpeting in an ecologically same manner.
      8. The Myth of Alpha Consciousness - Debunks the idea that alpha brainwaves have any value in inducing relaxation, healing, and meditative states.
      9. Glowing in the Gulf - Informs us of what our boys back from the Gulf War are really suffering from - and it ain't pretty, folks!
      10. Early Puberty Onset Seems Prevalent - Scientists say that Americans are getting older and older at younger in younger ages.

    •   12-98

      Letters: Rene Beresford, Kendall Black, Michael Bobier, Mary-Louise Burt, Charlie Donham, Dave Eschan, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Susan Mazzocco, Debbie Nelson, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Nancy Reed, Ken Shapiro, ombodhi thoren st. john, Helen Sun, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery

      Optional Topic: Two Topics this time:
      1. Last issue's exclusive M2M Interview with Aajonus Vonderplanitz raises a number of controversial issues regarding hygienic living - flesh eating, the utility or non-utility of fasting, the role of fats in the diet, and colon cleansing come readily to mind, for example. Why don't we each critique this Interview from our own perspective and experience with regard to the hygienically unconventional views he espouses? Was his presentation convincing to you?
      2. Ken Shapiro asks, "Do many of the M2M'ers have particular favorites [foods] which seem to 'put you over the top'?" Favorite foods or recipes, that is, that you keep returning to for an extra health boost, or just because?

      1. An Exclusive M2M Interview with Roe Gallo - This author of Perfect Body tells her life story and why she follows the fruitarian path.
      2. Placebos Prove so Powerful Even Experts Are Surprised - Illustrates how dominant our belief systems are with regard to health.
      3. Unsaturated Vegetable Oils: Toxic - Makes the radical case that EFA's are not only non-essential, but toxic. Is it possible?
      4. Coconut Oil - Claims that this saturated oil is the one you want in your diet.
      5. Australian Aborigines - Dr. Weston Price admired this meet-eating native culture the most for their nearly perfect teeth and bone structures.
      6. Neanderthal or Cretin? A debate over Iodine - Theorizes that Neanderthals and homo sapiens were the same species, but the former were suffering from iodine deficiency.
      7. The Medical Mafia - Shows how political machinations by the medical fraternity destroyed the legitimate practice of Oriental acupuncture in Canada.

    •   2-99

      Letters: Barbara Mankoski, Kathleen Wasylow, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Susan Mazzocco, Debbie Nelson, Ella Noel, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Ken Shapiro, Helen Sun, Frank Wilson, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Charlie Donham, Dave Eschan, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister

      Optional Topic: Let's brainstorm further about the potential for really getting together in person for a "millennial" bash. Some of us have been penpalling now for nearly 7 years! Is that possible?? Isn't it time we met? How many of you would come? Where and when should it be held? Would you non-writers prefer face-to-face a gathering? What activities should we plan? What type of accommodations would you like to see? Should we invite ex-M2M'ers? What about the non-member raw community as a whole? Invite outside professional speakers? Or, on the other hand, would a face-to-face meeting be somehow anticlimactic and/or disappointing for some of you? What would be your reasons for not attending?

      1. Interview with Harvey Diamond - This interview with a famous health author gives us a glimpse of the man behind the books.
      2. Study Ties Prostate Deaths to Animal Fat - A study links animal fat consumption (except fish) to the promotion of prostate cancer.
      3. A Basis for the Theory of Medicine - States that all disease begins with damage or irritation to the nervous system and that medical intervention has no theoretical basis.
      4. The Biology of Emotions - Traces the causes of mental disorders to accumulated neurological toxicity resulting from repressed emotions.
      5. WoodWise Resources Directory - Provides a source list for environmentally friendly paper products, building supplies, clothing, and organizations.
      6. Brix = Quality - A Special Report - Tells us how to find, grow, measure, and evaluate superior quality produce with the aid of a refractometer.

    •   4-99

      Letters: Nancy Reed, Ken Shapiro, JR Ellis, Helen Sun, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Stanley Bass, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt, Gregory Colalillo, Veronika de Miranda, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Tatiana Kozlova, Susan Mazzocco, Audrey Newcomb, Debbie Nelson, Nick Phillips

      Optional Topic: Bob Wynman writes (p44), "We've discussed the dreams we have while we're sleeping. How 'bout sharing the dreams we have while we're conscious!! ... Many of us ... live our lives day-to-day with no purpose, goal, dream to pursue. SHARE YOUR DREAM - re-create it if you've lost it, STRETCH, THINK BIG, IMAGINE VIVIDLY, BE BOLD." Food for thought. How about it? Where do you see yourself: a year from now? 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? 30 years? What changes do you want to see happen in your future life, and what are you doing now to make them happen?

      1. An M2M Exclusive Interview with Steve Arlin - The raw foodist author of Raw Power discusses his raw food bodybuilding program.
      2. With Three Generations of Natural Hygienists - Relates the surprising health problems developed over three generations within a single hygienic family and the strategy used to resolve them.
      3. The Gastronauts - Takes a candid look at the L.A. raw food scene and raw food restaurant owner Juliano.
      4. The Sickness of Mummies - Documents the seriousness of the parasite problem to native cultures.
      5. The Time Factor in Recovery - Reminds us that patience is the name of the recovery game and that cures don't exist.
      6. Birth Defects Can Be Avoided! - Explains that most "genetic" birth abnormalities are really environmentally caused.
      7. What Causes Declining Sperm? - Says that human male sperm counts are declining despite attempts by the New York Times to convince us otherwise.

    •   6-99

      Letters: Lisa Ziemann, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Joyce Baker, Mary-Louise Burt, Veronika de Miranda, Kendall Black, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Tatiana Kozlova, Susan Mazzocco, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Corrine Walz, Debbie Nelson, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Nancy Reed, Helen Sun, Grace Swanson, Bob Wynman

      Optional Topic: What I'd like to ask this month is what your view is on religion and natural hygiene. Do they fit together like a glove? Are they two completely different things? Have the concepts and/or practices of natural health enhanced or detracted from your religious and/or spiritual life - or vice versa? Is some form of spirituality one of the required elements of a healthy physical life? Is physical health necessary for true spiritual health? Are they co-equals, or does one take priority over the other?

      1. Walter "Killer" Kowalski - Is this famous professional wrestler as ferocious as his name or just another mild-mannered vegan?
      2. Value of Primitive Foods - Reviews the differences in food production and preparation practices between primitive and civilized societies and assesses the resulting health impacts.
      3. The Christian-Essene-Hygiene Connection - Former member Helen Jean Story notes the similarities.
      4. The One Right Religion - Attempts to define religion and its purpose and role in life in natural hygienic terms.
      5. Poison from the Sky - The "Chemtrails" Crisis - Suggests that innocent civilians may be the unwitting subjects of ongoing secret tests of chemical and biological warfare agents.
      6. EPA's Plan to Fertilize Your Food with Sewage Sludge - Delves into the politics behind the push to fertilize crops with toxic sludge from municipal waste treatment systems.
      7. Sorting out the "Stuff" around Us - Presents us with a primer on how to think for ourselves and question authority (in case we didn't already know!).

    •   8-99

      Letters: Leo Duerson, JR Ellis, Dave Eschan, Forest Greenwald, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Helen Kopp, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Veronika de Miranda, Lea Marra, Susan Mazzocco, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Nancy Reed, Ken Shapiro, Corrine Walz, Helen Sun, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Rene Beresford, Kendall Black, Charlie Donham

      Optional Topic: Let's share our gardening successes and secrets. If you're a gardener, perhaps you can describe your routine for us: What do you like to grow and why? When do you plant, start seedlings? How do you keep weeds and critters at bay? Are there specific varieties you enjoy growing? Are there mistakes you've learned to avoid in the school of hard knocks that you think the rest of us could benefit from? Are there specific tools, natural fertilizers, and other paraphernalia you'd be hard-pressed to do without? Do you have a few favorite books or periodicals to recommend to beginners or that you keep referring to yourself? If you are not a gardener, perhaps you'd like to discuss why not, and whether you've thought about joining the grow-it-yourself cadre. What do you see as the pro and con tradeoffs of participating from your own perspective? Do you have questions to ask of our more experienced farmers that might help you get started?

      1. An Interview with Joseph Chilton Pearce - Covers some of the hygienic requirements necessary for proper emotional and intellectual development of children.
      2. The Organic Revolution - Gives a brief history of the organic farming movement and looks at where we are today in the struggle to save America's farmland.
      3. The 20 All-Time-Greatest Organic Gardening Tips - Sifts out the most useful concepts and techniques for success in your own garden.
      4. Parents As Pushers - Deplores the pushing of antidepressant drugs on children and suggests pushing more "natural" drugs instead.
      5. Rest - A Much Neglected Health Factor - Emphasizes the importance of rest and sleep.
      6. Fertilization of the Soil - Stresses the importance of rock remineralization of soil relative to composting alone.
      7. Health Fascism - Relates the sordid modern history of state intervention in health matters and argues for hands off.

    •   10-99

      Letters: Tatiana Kozlova, Debbie Nelson, Lea Marra, Corrine Walz, Ila Sangemino, Grace Swanson, Susan Mazzocco, Nick Phillips, Nancy Reed, KW, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Eugene Dell, Charlie Donham, Dave Eschan, Forest Greenwald, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Lisa Hill

      Optional Topic: Let's talk about Y2K. Many of us have shared random thoughts on this subject of late, but perhaps now's the time to really focus on it. Should we be concerned about Y2K? How concerned? What plans, if any, are you making? Why or why not? If Y2K turns out to be a tempest in a teapot, would all the worrying and preparations be a wasted effort, or do you foresee other reasons for civil preparedness? What kinds of natural (or unnatural) disasters should we prepare for in the months and years ahead?

      1. Exposing the Dark Side of News Media Manipulation ... Democracy under Siege - Explains the manipulative strategies used by corporate America to bamboozle us about food and health issues.
      2. How Diseases Are Cured - Reminds us that true health care is not synonymous with symptom palliation.
      3. PVC and the Breast Milk of Mothers - Is breast milk the most contaminated human food? What's this old planet coming to?
      4. Who Is Stealing Our Future? - Says that we are being engulfed by toxic estrogen mimickers and hormone disrupters through misguided industrial practices.
      5. Studying a Town to Death - Reveals government spinning its wheels while a small California town is poisoned by pesticide drift.
      6. Hormone Heresy: Estrogen's Deadly Truth - Explains the dangers of synthetic estrogen therapy and recommends a natural source progesterone cream instead.
      7. Gulf War Syndrome - Claims that American troops were deliberately subjected to biological weapons.
      8. Biological, Chemical, & Psychochemical Weapons: What Does the Future Hold? - Provides further corroboration of the above assertions.
      9. A History of Human Experimentation - Says secret government health experiments on unwitting subjects is nothing new and gives a time line of atrocities.
      10. The Meaning of Sustainability - The Natural Step - Describes a movement begun in Sweden to provide a blueprint for corporations seeking to contribute to a sustainable planetary future.
      11. Vaccinations: The Overlooked Factors - Argues that autism is caused by vaccinations and/or toxic environmental exposures and suggests vitamin supplements.

    •   12-99

      Letters: Dave Eschan, JH, JO, Nick Phillips, Ila Sangemino, Helen Sun, Guess Who, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Rene Beresford, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson, Joseph Harack, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Debbie Nelson, Audrey Newcomb

      Optional Topic: How important is sex to heath? Can one be healthy without it? Should it ever be an end in itself, or only one part of a committed relationship with a compatible partner? How often is too often, and how little is too little? Have you noticed changes in your libido as a consequence of your dietary changes? In what ways? Should humans be monogamous? Auto-erotic?

      1. An Interview with Dr. John Fielder - Relates his personal search for health and what he has learned as a hygienic practitioner, such as why animal products are necessary.
      2. Food Facts and Fallacies VII - Links diet and juvenile delinquency, presenting a couple of human experiments as evidence.
      3. Far-Infrared Technologies That Harness the Sun - Claims that exposure to far-infrared wavelengths of light is beneficial to human health.
      4. Diets, Diet, Diets and The Hallelujah Diet - These two articles compare the various popular American diets with the far superior biblically-inspired "hallelujah" diet.
      5. Gerson Advanced Checklist - A heretofore unpublished set of guidelines that Gerson practitioners follow to provide the best patient healing environment.
      6. Vegetarians in Hawaii - Describes the (cooked) veggie scene in Hawaii and offers a glimpse of the islands' allure for the back-to-nature crowd.
      7. Rational Asceticism - Says that asceticism, properly defined and practiced, is not a dirty word.

    •   2-00

      Letters: Bob Avery, Rene Beresford, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt, Eugene Dell, Leo Duerson, Forest Greenwald, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Susan Mazzocco, Clary Mitchell-Smith, Helen Sun, Debbie Nelson, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck

      Optional Topic: What sort of health insurance coverage do you have and why? What about the medical profession as a whole - how, when, whether, and under what circumstances do you feel you fit into the system they have provided for us? What medical treatments, procedures, diagnostic tests, and/or drugs, if any, do you consider valid, and for what reasons? What would you do in case of a severe accident or other health crisis?

      1. Challenges to the Plant-Based Diet in the 1990's - An Interview with Michael Klaper, M.D. - Sharply critiques the "zone" and blood type diets, giving his own reasons why some people have problems on vegan diets.
      2. Acid Ash Foods and Alkaline Ash Foods - Two charts that list the relative acid and alkaline ash residues of a number of common foods.
      3. Vitamin B-12 and the Hallelujah Diet - Says that most vegans test low for B-12 and may require supplements.
      4. Biological Warfare against Crops - Documents the efforts of several countries in developing biological weapons for use against enemy food crops.
      5. WTO Primer - A Q&A on the WTO, IMF, World Bank and Activism - Explains what the WTO is, how it works, and why we should be concerned about it.
      6. Causes of Disease - Is toxemia the root cause of all disease? What about the following additional 31 causes?
      7. How to Achieve Superhealth - Lists 8 principles of superhealth along with a comprehensive bibliography and list of support organizations.

    •   4-00

      Letters: Rex Harrill, Susan Mazzocco, Debbie Nelson, Helen Sun, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, ER, Ila Sangemino, Bob Wynman, Steve and Tricia [...removed...], Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Veronika de Miranda, Leo Duerson

      Optional Topic: OK, you have just been abducted by space aliens and taken to a remote location far from home where you are informed you'll spend the rest of your life in captivity in a kind of zoo for humans and other earthly life forms. Your alien zookeeper informs you will be allowed to choose your own diet, with this limitation: you will be restricted to one food and one food only for the rest of your life. Choose carefully - what will it be?

      1. An Exclusive M2M Interview with jb Mirabile-caruso - An Ehretist expounds his theory of "healing leaf veganism" as the pathway that leads back to the fruitarian Eden.
      2. Everyday Exposure to Toxic Pollutants - Reveals that most of the air pollution to which we are exposed comes from the places we frequent most.
      3. Meet Jeff Novick - Health Science's newest writer briefly gives us his hygienic resumé.
      4. Toxicity/Safety of Processed Free Glutamic Acid - Explains the toxic and ubiquitous nature of this chemical we refer to in processed foods as MSG, even when not labeled as such.
      5. Organic Standards News - Updates us on the current status of the proposed USDA organic standards.

    •   6-00

      Letters: Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, ER, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Natalie Blahut, Stanley Bass, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt, Veronika de Miranda, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan, Forest Greenwald, Harold Hollister, Susan Mazzocco, Debbie Nelson

      Optional Topic: In June of 1994, we asked, "What are your favorite books of all time, both of a health and non-health nature? Write us some reviews." In August, 1995, it was, "Review any good books you've read lately." In October, 1998, we suggested, "Besides the book reviews, it would also be fun to know what categories of books you favor. Is it all health-related stuff, or do you like to read fiction as well? What types of subject matter interest you? What about newspapers and magazines?" Let's retackle any and all of the above. How about an in-depth book review of a favorite book or maybe 3-5 shorter reviews.

      1. An Interview with Arden Anderson - This soil consultant discusses advanced approaches to increasing soil fertility and crop quality. Organic methods are not always best!
      2. Falling Water Tables in China May Soon Raise Food Prices Everywhere - Due to China's fast-increasing industrialization and increased livestock raising.
      3. Animal Mystery, Medical Whodunit - Explains why NYC officials allowed 7 million New Yorkers to be sprayed with malathion in an attempt to eliminate a germ-carrying mosquito.
      4. AIDS & South Africa - A Contrary Conference in Pretoria - Sides with the minority view that the African AIDS epidemic is fabricated to protect financial interests.
      5. Soy - Too Good to Be True - Summarizes what's wrong with soy: endocrine disruptors, phytic acids, enzyme inhibitors, and more.
      6. Wheat and Milk - A Lecture by Guy-Claude Burger, 1993 - Discusses the harm caused by consuming these non-original foods.

    •   9-00

      Letters: Suzanne Ferrara, Forest Greenwald, TZ, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Susan Mazzocco, Debbie Nelson, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Helen Sun, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan

      Optional Topic: In June, 1997, M2M#31, we proposed the following topic: "How about telling us what's in your refrigerator right now - right this minute? Don't go hiding the evidence! And instead of restricting yourself to the fridge, don't forget to include the pantry, cupboards, sprout jars, and other food hiding places. And don't just tell us what you have, tell us why!" This sounds like a good exercise, worthy of repeating. How about it, folks?

      1. An Interview with Doug Graham - This excerpt from Paul Nison's book The Raw Life describes Dr. Graham's approach to the 100% raw vegan lifestyle.
      2. Reading the Bones of La Florida - Reports that the inland corn-eating American Indians of Florida had poorer health than the coastal fish-eating Indians.
      3. Trophology: The Science of Food Combination - Presents the classic food combining rules from a Taoist perspective.
      4. AIDS & South Africa - A Contrary Conference in Pretoria - Sides with the minority view that the African AIDS epidemic has been fabricated to protect powerful financial interests.
      5. The Protein Power LifePlan - Presents the evolutionary argument in favor of including animal flesh in, and excluding grains from, the diet.
      6. Chemtrails: Did An Airline Mechanic Stumble Upon The Truth? "Project Cloverleaf" - Suggests that civilian as well as military airplanes are involved in this toxic spraying of the atmosphere.

    •   12-00

      Letters: Gerry Coffee, Wendy Crews, Joyce Baker, Natalie Blahut, Forest Greenwald, Charlie Donham, Veronika de Miranda, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Dave Klein, Susan Mazzocco, Anna Nelson, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Ila Sangemino, Helen Sun, Ken Shapiro, Grace Swanson, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt

      Optional Topic: Let's talk about travel, as seems appropriate for the issue following the Great M2M Millennial Bash trip to Hawaii. Do you enjoy traveling? Why or why not? Do you have favorite places to go when you travel, or do you like the adventure of visiting new places? Would you like to tell us about an exceptional trip you took, either because it was fabulous or because it was a nightmare? What about preferred modes of transportation, accommodations, and other considerations? Is it difficult to remain hygienically focused when you travel? Any travel tips, tricks, or techniques you'd like to share?

      1. An Interview with Stan Glaser - This further excerpt from The Raw Life shares tips from a 23-year raw fooder.
      2. Lessons To Be Learned From Macfadden's Death - Describes Bernarr Macfadden's last hours, blaming medical intervention for his demise.
      3. An End - and a Beginning - Takes a look at Macfadden's last days from his wife's perspective.
      4. Condiments and Dressings and Salt Eating - Present the hygienic arguments against using these substances in the diet of man.
      5. Consider the Alternatives - Informs us of vegetarian Dick Gregory's current lifestyle, battle with cancer, and a charitable tribute organized by his friends.

    •   3-01

      Letters: Forest Greenwald, Rex Harrill, Harold Hollister, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Helen Sun, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Natalie Blahut, Mary-Louise Burt, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer

      Optional Topic: Ken Shapiro re-introduces himself to the group this issue by presenting his "hygienic resumé" and suggests that the rest of us fill out the form too. Does this sound like a fun homework assignment? To make it more interesting, you may want to add new categories of data or subtract some that seem irrelevant. Let's all apply for the "job" of M2M participant!

      1. On a Green Mountain - interviews an acclaimed Japanese farmer on his no-till, natural farming method.
      2. How to Make Seed Balls - with step-by-step instructions.
      3. Pain - Dr. Herbert M. Shelton discusses the role of pain in our bodies and why suppressing it is always wrong.
      4. Full Spectrum Light: Energy and Health Builder - provides more reasons than you may already know about why getting sufficient sunlight and other full-spectrum lighting is beneficial to our bodies. Also lists full spectrum lighting sources.
      5. Methylcobalamin and the New Story of B12 suggests that we use the "right" form of B12 supplement if we are going to take one.
      6. Meat but No Heat - the mass media gets a glimpse of Aajonus Vonderplanitz' raw flesh diet by attending a raw flesh potluck.
      7. Russ and Edie Turn 99 & 91 Years Young - relates the successful story of two mostly raw, long-term, "pure" vegetarians.
      8. Overcoming the Trickster: media wars of the 21st century - how to break free from mass media mind control; lots of valuable internet links included.
      9. Vegetable planting chart - tells us when and how to plant our vegetable gardens.

    •   6-01

      Letters: Dave Klein, Joy Matey-Yetman, Susan Mazzocco, Audrey Newcomb, Nick Phillips, Helen Sun, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Kathleen Wasylow, Ruth Allen, Bob Avery, Kendall Black, Charlie Donham, Mary-Louise Burt, Lynn Hansen, James Heney, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan, Giles Fischer, Harold Hollister

      Optional Topic: Way back in M2M#22 the question was posed, "How about including something in your letter written by your significant other or best friend about what it's like to live with (or put up with) a natural hygienist?" Let's reprise that topic.

      1. The Paleolithic Diet and Its Modern Implications - An Interview with Loren Cordain, PhD - interviews a research scholar on the merits of the flesh-centered ancestral diet.
      2. The Myth of Living Safely in a Toxic World - urges political action to put an end to toxic environmental pollution.
      3. Bernard Jensen, 92; chiropractor and holistic healer - notes the passing and recaps the life of this famous health guru.
      4. Raw Sophistication: The Great Cooks Discover noncooking - explains the frustrating complications chefs endure preparing raw meals for finicky eaters.
      5. The Science of Living Water - describes the benefits of drinking "structured" water and what that means.
      6. Fructology: Fruit Signs and Fructitherapy - helps you identify your all-important fruit sign (:-)
      7. GENUINE FRUITARIANISM - Dr. Vetrano explains why nuts are a critical component of a successful fruitarian diet and how to recognize signs of protein deficiency.

  1.   9-01

    Letters: Helen Sun, Bob Wynman, Bernarr Zovluck, Ruth Allen, Bob Avery, Stanley Bass, Kendall Black, Mary-Louise Burt, Charlie Donham, Leo Duerson, Dave Eschan, Harold Hollister, Susan Mazzocco, Nick Phillips

    Optional Topics: Let's take a look at these 3 areas, all related to the mechanics of M2M participation:
    1. Describe your letter-writing process if you are a successful letter writer. How do you do it? Conversely, if you have been a non-writer up until now, maybe you can tell us what it would take to make you become one.
    2. How about suggesting some Optional Topics to sink our teeth into?
    3. Is the M2M working or not working? Where do we need to improve it?

    1. Interview with David Klein - interviews 18-year raw foodist editor of Living Nutrition magazine.
    2. Eat Locally - shows how one man helps save the planet by eating only locally grown food.
    3. Homeopathy - argues the case in favor of homeopathy from first principles.
    4. Okinawa Centenarian Study - describes the health habits of the world's oldest people.
    5. Michigan Woman Declared World's Oldest - introduces the current (07/16/01) Guiness record holder at 114.
    6. Mexico Taking Up Organic Trend - proclaims that Mexico is increasingly supplying the US organic food demand.
    7. The Linking Pathogen - blames biowarfare research for the upsurge in chronic fatigue, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS, and other modern diseases.
    8. The Oxford Vegetarian Study: An Overview - finds that vegetarians live longer.
    9. The Poison in Your Back Yard - sounds the alarm over arsenic in pressure treated lumber in the US.

    Aside from the above, there has also been ongoing debate on such subjects as fruitarianism, chimpanzees, the evolutionary evidence for flesh-eating, and of late, instincto diets, as well as much rending of raiment over the ANHS's (the American National Hygiene Society's) recent backpedaling of all-raw diets and food-combining principles. Other perennial favorite discussion subjects are fasting, the "detox vs. degen" conundrum (when are symptoms on natural diets due to detoxification, as opposed to deficiency or worsening of health), B-12, SBGA, mercury/amalgam fillings, sprouts. Additional subjects periodically discussed have been the difficulties of being a weird or wimpy vegetarian in a macho meat-eating society; oppressive government and our freedoms; soil deficiencies; juicers and juicing; is television good or bad; Bates-type eye exercises; whether NH and other veggie movements may be de facto cults; and the premature death of NH gurus like T.C. Fry. Two or three members are dedicated conspiracy theorists variously regarded as either prophetic or crazy. You name it, we talk about it!

    "I know that without having had the M2M experience my whole life would be completely different right now, and likely not for the better. That's the kind of publication the M2M is. It changes lives. It is not beholden to any advertisers, so it can afford to tell the truth. Publications like that are rare in this world." -Bob Avery

    You may e-mail Bob Avery at mailto:xrwavery@juno.com
    (Please remove the "x" before sending. I'm trying to deflect those junk emailer robots.)

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