The first dotcom webpage for rawfooders since Oct 2, 1995
if you don't know nothing or you must first know nothing -------------------------------------- Children will believe everything, ------------------------------------- The seeds of addiction -------------------------------------- One man's truth --------------------------------------- Wrinkles reveal
-------------------------------------- Ethnic cooking is ------------------------------ all the religions of the world comprise the most aggressive tribes that learned how to turn the world into a desert through a grass seed based culture.
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![]() three weeks to a quantum leap in awareness, Health, Beauty, and Love Reclaim your Youth and your future eat as much as you want to become the essense that you need
Rawtimes Bloc Therapy8 feb, 2012 All the raw fooders I ever met had a story: a close call with death, a dramatic experience and a good reason for abandoning the common social network. For Steve Jobs, it was pancreatic cancer. He looked but he did not find; such a giant in the civilized word of economics, but clueless to save himself. Most people start out on a path of recovery with a hope of awareness that they can break free of the poisons that putrefy everyone around them. My story is buoyed, not by my own successes, but by the deaths of the people around me. I survived the drug wars. My friends weren’t so lucky. I survived medical submissions. My family wasn’t so lucky. I have healed of symptoms that have crippled my neighbors. My north star has been honesty. A healthy happy healing human is synchronized. What he wants is what he does. The actions that he takes are good for him, his family and his neighbors. The life force flows unimpeded from his feet thru his crown. Sincerity is the ideal. But compromises have always been necessary for survival. Sacrifices, delays, and temporary abuses are often unavoidable. All I can do is choose the best options as they present themselves. My arsenal of tools is wisdom and truth. Bloc therapy is the term I have coined to encompass the guidelines that I have tested through time. My legacy will be unnoticed and discarded by the world. But the universe will record it, just the same, for all eternity. And here it is. Bloc therapy Bloc therapy is a system [copyright and trademark by JR Ellis,] to clear mental blocks that impede the life force needed for optimal health and healing. Bloc therapy encompasses a set of guidelines to discover blocs that are no longer necessary, as well as a set of tools for their proper disposal. The goal of “Rawtimes Bloc Therapy” is to tune and synchronize an individual such that he can reach his full life potential in glorious splendor. A bloc is defined [copyright and trademark by JR Ellis,] as one of a collection of mental blocks, which as a whole, guide us in all of our thoughts and actions. A bloc is a switch that directs the flow of thought, like a train switchman controlling the tracks or a whip master containing Indians on the trail of tears. A bloc will divert thought from memories, desires and perception. The development of the set of blocs constitutes the matrix of thought. Blocs have become an indispensible component of survival mechanisms, both explaining and controlling perceptions, reflexes and deeds. For example. I am positive that 7 X 7 = 49. This is because I have performed this same calculation on my fingers so many times. And then I practiced the times table in my head until it became rote. If someone were to ask me what 7 X 7 is, I would reply immediately. There is no longer any need to verify my work, because I am positive. I am blocked to redoing the calculation. This makes life easier, in that I am not wasting valuable energy and mental resources in unnecessary repetition. Blocs may be installed by the reptilian brain due to pain, or by the ego due to fear. You learn not to touch a hot stove again because you remember the pain. However, sometimes, you may forget to remove the block, even though the stove has been broken for a long time. Bloc therapy uses a myriad of tools in order to identify blocs, evaluate their continued need, assess the risk of termination, and if successful, the rendering of its final disposition. Blocs are a large component of rational thought. To identify blocs:
Blocs can be classified primarily in one of three groups
Eating cooked food, the common diets of the only surviving ethnic cultures, is a deterrent to bloc therapy. Current diets are based in the ten thousand year old cultivation of grass, its seeds, and the animals that survive on it. Current diets have survived the fierce competition of warring tribes as they battled the weather and each other. Tribal sovereignty has become necessary to the survival of the individuals, such that those citizens who are not able to submit, do not survive. Natural selection has turned us all into a race of soldiers and slaves. Bloc therapy does not classify the natural diet as a tool. Instead, it is the other way around. Bloc therapy is a tool to enable sincere humans to transcend the obstacles that bind us to a cooked food diet. A cooked food diet enables the set of common blocs found in modern societies. The earliest writings from over a thousand years ago tell the story of the human expulsion from the Garden of Eden because Adam ate the apple from the tree of knowledge. This story was meant to instill blocs within each tribe, so that they would be compliant in subsisting on a cooked diet based in grass. Fruit was too expensive and time consuming to be used by a tribe that had to devote its energy to aggressive self-defense and maintaining the basic needs of a city. The elders came right out and said, “You are forbidden to know the truth, if you want to live with us.” Expulsion and banishment was a death sentence. The only citizens who survived, were those capable of adopting these blocs. Eating raw food (and totally eschewing cooked food) enables a few basic and essential epiphanies. Like, we are all basically good; our instincts are valid, and our desires are natural. Eating instinctively teaches us, over time, what we need. So we learn that what we need and what we want can be the same thing. We resonate with positive feedback, results and feelings. We become synchronized, not only with our taste, but if done right, within every aspect of our lives. There is no need to feel shame at sex. There is no need to crave the approval of our neighbors. And there is the proper security in giving our own bodies the responsibility to make our own healing decisions. |
The Upside Down Pyramid Diet
Who really knows when or what happened
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