Influence of Food on the Blood Formula of Man

Last Updated: 28 Oct 96
The most referenced work on leukocytosis and cooked food is the short paper by Kouchakoff:
The Influence of Food on the Blood Formula of Man, P. Kouchakoff, First International Congress of Microbiology, Paris 1930.
Kouchakoff also wrote a book that may be relevant. However it is in French; here's a library database listing on it:
Call #: Q67 .L44 v.5 Main Stack
Author: Kouchakoff, Paul.
Title: Nouvelles lois de l'alimentation humaine basees sur la leucocytose digestive, par P. Kouchakoff. (Travail presente a la seance du 2 decembre 1936.). p. [319]-348 incl. tables, diagrs. 25 cm.
Notes: Bibliographical foot-notes.
Subjects: Leucocytes. Metabolism.
Contained in: Memoires de la Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles. Lausanne, 1937. no. 39, v. 5, no. 8.
If you look for the subject: leukocytes (or leucocytes) in a large library (computerized) card catalog, you will find many books listed. Similarly a search in MEDLINE or NEXIS for the words leukocytosis or leucocytosis will give you a large list of references. Given the article/book titles you will be able to screen out most of them. Still, there might be a lot left to look through! It might be easier to start with the references cited in the books by Howell, and go from there.
Tom Billings teb@stat.Berkeley.EDU

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