
Francisco Gonzalez

Last Updated: 2 Oct 96

Date: Tue, 1 Oct 96 5:35 EDT

Since my last communications, things have been improving a lot:

I am not weak anymore. and my weight went up about 6 lb (3 Kg), not too much but a world of difference in aspect and energy.

I use now instinctotherapy to select foods (vegan) and I think of it as a THE tool while Intuitive eating sense is developed.

I spent 2 weekends in France in the Chateau de Montrame (Instinctotherapy Center) and the experience was really good if somewhat expensive.

Now I am involved in a reforestation project in Costa Rica, where I will buy probably an organic farm to grow melons, tomatoes, cashews, mangoes, papayas, neems,... (fruit, fruit everywhere...).

An event will be held in Madrid (Spain) on october 11st, 12nd and 13th, to explain issues as vegetarianism, raw foodism, instinctotherapy, fasting, AIDS and cancer, natural birthgiving, yoga/stretching, .... If anyone is interested, please contact me.

Best regards


Date Written: Fri, 21 Jun 96 5:00 EDT

Hello from Spain,

I found very interesting your page and I'd like to share my experiences...

I started 3 months ago a strict raw vegan diet (after one year of ovolactovegetarianism) based in:
mostly fruits and some nuts, sprouted beans and grains (sprouts and flakes) and seeds and some vegetables: carrots, garlic, cale, seaweeds (chlorophyll and B12 vitamin).

My experience is:
When I started the raw diet my weigth was about 56 Kg (about 123 pounds). I am 170 cm (5'7") tall.
I ate 2 meals per day (noon and sunset) 6 days per week (fasting on saturdays), non being able to eat more than 0.6 Kg (1.32 lb)per meal.
After 3 weeks my weight came down to 45 Kg (99 lbs), my face was pale and was skinny and sometimes weak (the diet books I was following regarded these situation as a temporary cleansing situation).
Then I started to eat more dried fruits (figs,dates,...), bananas and advocates instead of light fruits (pears, apples,tomatoes,...). and my weight went up to 48 Kg (106 lb) and then stabilized there. I still felt weak sometimes and looked as starving.
Since last week I eat whenever if feel hunger and I try to eat one single type of fruit in a meal to avoid incompatibilities (6 days per week) (3-5 meals per day + 1-2 juices ), my weight is still 48 Kg, but I don't feel weak .
When I started the raw diet I enjoyed a yoga session (1.5 hours) early in the morning and some muscular workout in the evening (20 minutes), I've cancelled the evening session until get more weight... (hopefully soon).

    My list of values selecting my food is (sorted by subjetive importance):
  2. ETICS (Non cruelty to living beings)
  3. ECOLOGY (minimum of resources usage)

Excuse me for asking so many questions, but being newcomer to this WORLD I am very interested in your opinions.

Best regards.

Paco Gonzalez

If you would like to write to Francisco


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