Today however I notice a growing interest in Living Food and I teach people the natural way to prepare food here at the Swedish Vegetarian Society those days (sundays) when our oasis is closed. Still, I'm talking about 10 people in each class and one or two classes each month so it isn't much but it's increasing. I've had 15-20 guests in the oasis almost each day since opening and I couldn't wish for more right now. October 27 I will serve a lot of (150) raw meals at a high society party (where the tickets cost about $80, can you believe that?). We are active spreading raw food information the best we can but it feels like we need more idealists (did I spell that right?) to get it all going _really_ fast forward. However, I feel content with the situation as it is right here and now.
Please don't forget to sign the guestbook when you leave!