I have been lurking in the shadows for over a year now, reading and learning
from all of you. My name is Alex, I live in north New Jersey and I’m 26. I was
born in a small country in South America called Uruguay, one of the top beef
eating countries in the world. My diet has effortlessly changed in the last
six years from eating just about anything to a 75% raw vegan diet. In this six
year period I’ve lost 10 pounds, I had one day of bad detox and have never gotten
sick. unfortunately I will remain indebted to all of you, for all that you’ve
shared, since I can’t offer much at this time because my intellectual and experiential
knowledge is very limited regarding nutrition. I appreciate what you all contributed
to the list. It has helped me in many ways and many that come in contact with
me. I would also like to thank Aaron for the courage and transparent honesty
of his last post.
“. i want to create an organization that supports and promotes raw foods, with
its primary objective to support humanity in finding their own optimal ways
to eat. no moral judgment. whatever is best for each person and humanity as
a whole. each person is different, and will need unique support. “
To arrive at this “view “ is very difficult, or at least it has been very difficult
for me. To understand nutrition, health and life in general as continuously
changing, as an essence that manifests in different forms depending on the conditions
is what I call evolution because it is a better view than I’ve held before.
Although I have some understanding of this intellectually, putting it into practice
has been a slow difficult process because of my ego’s resistance. It freaks
the ego out to glimpse that it has no ground to stand on, that there is nothings
that is “right” forever and that there is nothing that is “wrong” forever (nothing
that is intrinsically good, bad, real on its own, independent of other causes
and conditions). In my opinion, the key is to understand (be one with) the essence
(aspiration) and to know how to manifest it (put it into practice) in a given
situation, time, person, etc.
As far as JR’s question regarding the future of the list I should say that I
find all the constructive, positive aspects of the list very helpful and beneficial.
I’m finding out that since everything is a mirror or projection of myself, improving
myself is the best way improve everything I do or am connected to and the first
unavoidable step to making the world better.
Don’t pay too much attention to what I’ve said, I don’t know much. Before I
slip into the shadows again I would like thank you all (and keep evolving).
Live well and prosper. Alex, chauuuuuu
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