Elizabeth Barker

Last Updated:12 June 1999
Created on Mon, 12 Apr 1999

Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I just join the group. It is nice to know that it is people out there that really care about their health. I have been a vegetarian for around seven months (I haven't eaten red meat for years) and I started the raw food diet for about 3 months. I just came back from a week of detox at the Optimum Health Institute of Austin. Their program is based on Wheat Grass juice, (drinking, enemas and implants), sprouts and enzymes (Rejuvelac). One thing I noticed that change was that before I wasn't able to swing with my daugther and now I can (she thinks is cool!). Any way, I have a suggestion for Olivia. I noticed that Enzymes and Probiotics help me to be regular even the next day after having a enema and I also drink the Rejuvelac and Wheat Grass juice. Best of Health for everybody. Elizabeth.

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