This is my first time attempting to put fe'mail' on the internet to a list of
folks. If this is how it is done - then - here I go.
Tom put a wonderful book report on his list, and I replied. Just a moment ago
I attemped to send it off to you all. If I was successful - so be it. If not,
I am still learning how to do this process - a rookie on the internet.
Briefly - I have been doing a TV show - called Elysa's Raw & Wild Fod Show -
on public access, seen mainly on the west coast - expanding each year to include
more public access networks. I am looking for more hosts to get this show aired
to more stations and seen by more 'hungry' folks. Not all the shows are about
food, some are food for thought shows, and interview such lovely guests as Charlotte
Gerson and her son Howard, or Elizabeth Baker was recently on two shows taped
in January. I have been busy enough to not have time to put together a full
catalogue, but the tapes are available - and the Lord willing, and the creek
don't rise, I'll put together a catalogue this winter. Between finishing another
book: Warming Up To Living Foods, and find my next new home - any suggestions
out there ? Life feels very busy.
Learning that life is more than food has been my most important lesson. Then
learning how to just enjoy what I do prepare, and make it work for this body
- going through menopause, and entering my 51st year - offer new and dymnamic
challenges I have not encountered in the past.
I am in production - to do a show about the effects on full spectrum lighting,
and even more immediately one on AED's (defribrillators) - so time does not
permit too much rambling - for now hello to all of you out there. I do love
to prepare and teach others how to prepare raw and living foods. I personally
eat a mix and match - loving food of so many types - however my body is quick
to let me know what it prefers.
I look forward to hearing from those of you who are interested - and those who
would like to know more about my most lovely book: Living With Green Power:
A Gourmet Collection of Living Food Recipes. It is time that this food is out
of the dark, and given a place in the sun with photographs, and seen to be as
lovely as it is.
Peace and blessings to all of you,
Elysa Markowitz
Please don't forget to sign the guestbook when you leave!