Louise Larabie

Last Updated:Tue, 12 Jun 2001
Created on Tue, 12 Jun 2001

My name is Louise Larabie and I came to eating raw because I was quite ill and doctors did not know what to do with me. I had arthritis, cysts, phlebitis, hemorrhages each months, anemic, low blood pressure (had to hold the wall when getting up and dimming vision) low thyroid etc. Strange reactions to prescription drugs.

I was ill for 27 years till I had a crisis and fortunately the intern told me I was chemically intolerant (1977). I went to the library and found when I read the book "Five day allergy relief" by Marshall Mandell and it had a good section on chemical intolerance. And out I went to find a Clinical Ecologist. I did not figure there was even any in Canada.

I had a friend and mentioned this and she said her friend was into allergies and such (was a doctor) and when I phoned her I found out she was a clinical ecologist just setting up show in my small town!!!! Boy was I pleased and surprised.

She sent me though for tests in Ottawa as she was not set up for it. That nurse after the testing told me I was the most chemically intolerant person she had ever tested.

I had a lot of struggling changing, my cleaning supplies, food and having to cope with coping with family, friends and trying to shop for food, clothing etc.

I then found food combining, vitamins I could tolerate, and that I tolerated raw foods better than cooked foods.

I still am not all raw but I do have some days that I manage to go a whole day raw. I do try to make more of my food organic also.

The one food that bothered me the most was grains and I had to give up all grains for 10 years as it would trigger off my arthritis. I slowly got rid of the cramps eating with proper food combining so that was not too bad once I got used to how to order food at a restaurant. I never ask for a salad but ask that they replace my cooked veggies with raw ones and then they do not charge me for the extra salad.

When my old dog got sick (1987) I put the dog on food combining and he got rid or his arthritis too. He lived 4 years longer because of this.

So when my dog Amber got sick with allergies I switched her over to food combining and checked on the internet what was new in food combining for dogs. Then I found a Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods diet affectionately called BARF :o))))

Now what a difference in the dog. Better health and behaviour. As I told people about this they told me to make it for their dog. So in doing the research I found I was watching my diet more and more and even now eat my steak blue because of this research at what heat does to protein when it is cooked and what the body has to cope with when the food is cooked.

My plans for the future is to help other discover the joy of eating and feeding raw for themselves and their pets.

I signed the guest book when I went to check on a link someone sent me and saw all the good ideas for raw meals and was invited to join the list.

Thought I would drop by to see what was going in in the raw people world as I have been on several Raw dog and cat raw lists for quite a few years. Perhaps we can share some information that could help all those who believe raw is the best way to go.

Louise Larabie llarabie@raw-connections.com & BARFing Amber and Ginger Raw Connections www.raw-connections.com info@raw-connections.com RawGlow www.raw-connections.com/rawglow raw fed


If you would like to write to Louise Larabie, you may send e-mail to llarabie@raw-connections.com

Visit the raw-connections.com webpage for instructions, pictures, events, books, links about raw food feeding for cats and dogs. Don't miss rawglow, the raw fed Miniature Australian Shepherd llarabie@raw-connections.com

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