
Last Updated:15 June 1999
Created on Fri, 2 Oct 1998

Hello everybody !

First, I am sorry for my poor english, but I am french...

I have been eating raw food (about 100%) for only one month. Before, I was a non strict vegetarian for 1 year, eating especially vegetables and fruits and sometimes fish.

I digest fruits very easily, and as I like them, my diet is nearly frutarian today. I also eat less than before.Sometimes, I am bulimic and eat too much, but as I don't want to be seek, I spew up the food.

But I have a problem : I am very thin, emaciate : 51Kg for 1.82m (30 years old). Before this diet, I was 60kg. So when the weather is cold, I am really very cold !

A good diet should gives us the best weight, or it doesn't seem to work with me.

I feel pretty good, I sleep less, some littles troubles (furuncles, etc.) have disappeared.

As I don't want to eat to much avocados and seeds, and as I don't want to become a bodybuilder, what can I do to gain weigth ?

Thank you !!

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