scott kender

Last Updated: Friday, May 18, 2001
Created on Sat, 14 Apr 2001

I'm a vegetarian, have been off and on for 16 years. I'm also in recovery from alcohol/drug use. I know the two don't go hand in hand, but my awareness has come in fits and starts.

i got into vegetarianism from reading "fit-for-life I+II", by the Diamonds. While following natural hygiene principles, i dropped to a natural body weight (I'm 5'7") and felt fantastic.

I recently read the book by the founder of Hallelujiah acres, and have increased my raw food intake. Its surprising how much different is the quantity of food at a meal when you maintain the quality of the food by not destroying it through cooking!

I am also aware, and devoting my energy to be more active in my mental and spiritual health. "Conversations with God", by Neale D. Walsch, has been inspirational. I believe in the benefits of meditation, wish to practice yoga, and eventually earn a liveliehood in helping my fellow man/woman/earth. i'm just sprouting, sending roots down for stability and branches out to make myself more open to all the positive energy out there.

I'm interested in meeting/sharing with others like myself all over the world, and possibly face to face if they happen to live/visit the state of PA,NJ,DE,or NY.

blessings on your endevour, and thanks for giving back to all of us.


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