Hello everyone, I will attempt to share with you all some of what I've discovered
intellectually and experientially in regards raw eating and healthy living.
This will be rather basic, but I hope you will find this to be insightful and
of some value. *Teeth Problems and Acidic Fruits* -- I can vouch from personal
experience, as well as that of many others, that acid fruits, eaten to any great
degree, can and will erode tooth enamel.
This is because the acids in fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruits,
kiwi, pineapple, lemons, limes, sour apples, etc., and UNripe fruit, have a
pH value below that which is required to dissolve tooth enamel. Suggestion:
moderate your intake of acid fruits. Read about fruit, learn which ones to moderate.
The best fruits are probably the sweet and subacid fruits such as bananas, dates,
cherimoyas, durians, sapotes, pears, apples, and a myriad of others. Eat fruit
only when it is fully ripe. Again, unripe fruits are acidic. The fresher & higher
quality the fruit you eat, the better.
Organic is much higher quality than commercial, and contains more nutrition.
By no means totally do away with acid fruits, as they can be very beneficial
and nutritious. Just keep in mind that you can have problems with your teeth
if you eat too many of them, or too often. *Greens Are a Necessity* -- The starchless
green vegetables are a very valuable part of my diet, and are highly recommended
to all raw foodists. There are many varieties of leafy greens and stalks which
are mineral-rich and are a good source of many other nutrients. And, for whatever
reason, I and others have found them to have a "balancing" effect on one's body
and mind. It can be a good idea to eat these green vegetables at the same time
as sweet fruits.
Organic greens are good, but wild greens are the best. Read up on wild greens
for info on those available in your area. Also, sea vegetables (such as kelp,
dulse, alaria, and many others) are very mineral and nutrient-rich. A very valuable
part of the raw food diet. And, I'm not trying to get into religion here, but
if you read Genesis 1:29, it is mentioned that the original diet of mankind
is fruits AND greens. Not JUST fruit. *Fats Are Important* -- Our bodies need
fat. But *raw* fat. Raw fats lubricate, protect, and are an antioxidant. They
are very nourishing. Our bodies instinctively crave raw fat. Raw fats provide
concentrated fuel, which feeds the brain and other organs, in addition to helping
to maintain/gain weight, and also help to protect one from the bitter cold,
especially in this cold weather time of year.
It must be realized to all true health seekers that raw fat is exactly the opposite
of cooked fat. Cooked fats are carcinogenic, loaded with free radicals, and
are harmful in many other ways. Read any cooked nutrition book and you readily
discern the dangers of cooked and processed fats. However, realize that raw
fats are of a totally different biochemistry than cooked fats. Cooking changes
the biochemical structure of all foods, and in regards fats (and proteins),
this is especially harmful. Listen to your body's needs, and feel free to enjoy
your share of superb raw fatty foods such as: avocados, coconuts, dried olives,
durians, various nuts, and various seeds. Experiment and find what works optimally
for you. *Fruit Sugar is Prime Fuel for Our Bodies* -- Our body runs on sugar
Fruit is the best and highest quality source of sugars, accompanied by various
vitamins, minerals, enzymes, living water, and fiber. Don't fear sweet fruit,
and don't buy into the suggestions by others to eat dead, devitalized, cooked
starches. Keep in mind that starch is broken down into sugars during the process
of digestion. There is nothing healthful about starch. Starch is not a health
food. Eliminate starch from your diet, use fruit in its place, and watch your
health & well-being soar. *Fasting Gets Results* -- Many raw foodists may experience
cravings for cooked foods, and may give in and binge.
This is often due to the resurfacing of cooked food residues as they are purged
from the system during detoxification, which is what happens when one embarks
on 100% raw eating. I can vouch from personal experience that the best way to
counteract the toxic cravings, is by commencing a fast. This works wonders.
Give your body and mind a break from food of ANY kind, and your body and mind
will respond and be rejuvenated. Much heavy detoxification and reorganization
within the human organism takes place during a fast. I myself fast one day a
week, every week, and I challenge you to do the same. It's easy, effective,
and free. And you have much more time (and also money) as a result of this regular
practice. *Exercise, Sunlight, Adequate Rest and Optimum Amounts of Sleep, Etc.*
-- The human body/mind complex needs much more than just food, water, and air.
We also need to move our bodies, get the lymph flowing, and facilitate the building
of new tissues, and breaking down of old.
We also need the life-giving rays of the sun. We need to afford ourselves optimum
levels of rest and sleep. Most of the body's cells are regenerated during sleep.
I could go more deeply into these topics, but my time is limited, and I trust
that you intuitively recognize the importance of these factors in optimum and
balanced health. *Daily Meditation* -- We live in a toxic world, surrounded
by negativity, ignorance, and false principles. The best way to counteract the
oftentimes cruel, cold, harsh outside world is via the practice of meditation.
It is very simple and natural. Essentially, establish yourself in a quiet,peaceful,
comfortable place, closing your eyes, completely stilling your body, quieting
the mind, and going deep within, for at least 15 minutes per day, is highly
beneficial and is highly recommended. There are many "techniques"/methods you
can use to meditate. Find the one which works best for you and your needs. *Faith,
Perseverance, and Diligent Application of Correct Principles* -- This is how
successful people succeed (and keep succeeding).
Keep in mind that Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was your body, mind,
or soul. Realize that we need to undo many years of cooked food eating, false
beliefs/ignorance, and other states of toxicity and negativity. The key is to
make up your mind, with a firm resolve, go with the flow, and trust in yourself,
the Universe, and God. Also realize that all true knowledge comes from experience.
I must make mention from my own experience that I came to the point of 100%
raw eating due not solely to books, other people, etc., but rather due to that
inner voice, that inner signal, inner knowing, etc.. If you feel you are not
ready to eat 100% raw at this time, that's OK.
You may want to take it at your own pace and transition. Do not force yourself
to do something you're not ready for. It can be a shock to the system in many
cases. Your body will tell you when it's ready. That is what happened with me.
It just came to a point (when I was eating on average, 85-95% raw for many months)
that my body just did not want any cooked food of any kind anymore. Once my
body's "primal instinct" came through in full force, I had all the incentive
I needed. Cooked food was recognized as being dead, devitalized, damaged, draining,
boring, and bland to me.
Discontinuing the ingestion of cooked food came naturally, painlessly, and effortlessly,
and I have not looked back. I have received nothing but benefits, and in many
ways, as a result of my 100% raw eating. Later, my body told me to fast, during
a point of cooked cravings. I did, I was rejuvenated, and I am getting better
continually now. I am a work in progress, as are you. Enjoy life! Release fears,
negativity, false beliefs. LIVE! You are powerful. Do not allow anyone to influence
you from your path or your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Trust within yourself
-- the answers you need are within you! That is all for now. I hope this message
has been of some value to you. All the best, Wes ---
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